Ah, the First Day in May

May 01, 2006 15:13

So I got home today feeling very, nery hungry, because i hadn't eaten since the middle of second period (around 10), at which point I took a "washroom break" So I could heat up my Soup at Hand in the caf microwave... it was good soup... good soup indeed. Oh, did I mention the supply teacher we ended up having in 3rd was A PSYCHO! lol... she sat in the front of the room, talking in a thick Indian accent:

"I know what you are all thinking. You are all wanting to leave here. You think you can leave here. Why are you wasting time doing nothing. You can do something. I know she didn't leave anything, but you can do something. You all think you can leave. None of you can leave. You will get marked abcent even if you leave after attendance. You cannot leave."

I left.

Back to being hungry... I came home, and guess what glorious edibles where in my freezer? That's right... 2 different kinda of ice cream... I have now, devoured an entire bowl of succulent chocolate ice cream... but realizing that ice cream, being only a frozen liquid, won't keep me full for long, I intend now to go make myself several penut butter and jam sandwiches. No, I will not fit into my prom dress... no I don't care right now... yes I will during prom.

I need to invent something and win the nobel prize before I turn 20 so that I can retire and live a life of luxury. I need a new brain so I can do that... I need penut butter and jam sandwiches.

Fair thee well,
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