Why Must I Think?

Dec 14, 2005 15:15

See, once again, I was thinking, after having a lovely conversation with Luke and John this morning. And it was like, wow, people make fun of each other lots, but we know we're joking, so I guess it's all good, and then I was lie, wow, I make fun of myself a lot. Does this mean I have low self esteem issues? And I was like no, that can't be it, i just don't care. So of course from there I was just like, I have to care a little bit, i mean half the time I believe what I tell myself, which is a little dumb, cause i lie to myself a lot, so myself is clearly stupid for believing I, but I's told myself that already. Tiz weird, I guess if I say it, if someone else says it it doesn't mean nearly as much. *sigh* I'm hopeless

Swim meet today... I was the head timer for lane 2... it was the "special" lane, and yes, i did give it that name... We got all kind in that lane. We had one girl almost drown, and a guy that finished in half the time as everyone else, and lots in between. What I don't get is the rule of "white t-shirts" Thankfully I was a teeny bit smart and wore 3 layers of white, so when millions of swimmer's dived into the pool and sprayed water all over me, I wouldn't go entirely see-through... which definatley turned out to be a smart move. I was soaked by the end of it. my jeans were drenched to the knees, and the rest of my had splotches of water everywhere. not to mention standing for 3 hours straight trying to get times for countless swimmers doesn't do wonders for your back, but we survived and finished ahead of schedual, so it was awesome... Then we went outside to wait for mom G. I had bought a fruit punch from the vending machine... the only drink ever to be over-filled... I opened it... all over my hands and my coat... It was cold and sticky, and i was already wet. So, shivering and freezing, i tried to stay warm till da van got there. I do belive my pants turned to ice, but I may be over-exagerating. Need something positive to happen in life. Need to stop being so melodramatic.

Work tonight *yay* starting to wish we served Irish coffee. wouldn't mind a cup.

Love you all!
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