I'm leaving on a jet plane!!

Dec 07, 2006 20:01

That song has been stuck in my head for days now!! and you know why?? because its true. I am leaving on a jet plane. Thats right folks i changed my mind and decided that i had to take this opportunity to live overseas for 3 months!! its going to be so exciting. my friends have been a fantabulously (to quote another: its a word because i say it is!!) understanding bunch and so i don't feel so bad about missing the wedding and BDAM and all the fun in between. Just a little bad. after all I'm going to be missing all the woman love!!!! and man love!! and just general fun that is a big damn meet. but at least i know there will be one only 3 short months after i get back...or hopefully sooner! oh maybe i'll organise one in melbourne again..no wait...melbourne in winter?? yeah lets do brissie again!! just before 3rd term goes back because i'm going back to study then!!

oh and the post before this is evidence of fun had!!! thats me holding the camera and being attacked!!! theres more to post but i really have to wait till yatesy approves them all before i can post them...they are all really innocent...just yeah i'm being nice....
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