I didn't get up until around 12:30 today, but I didn't get up to go to bed until around 2:30am and considering I don't sleep well I guess that's about right. For some reason I thought Josh worked until 4 today but he surprised me and was off a 3:30, I was still doing my make-up from getting out of the shower lol. I felt bad because I was planning on doing dishes before he got home so it didn't look like I totally wasted my time but guess I did!
So after I was done getting ready I went outside with Josh while he washes the Yukon (he took it through some big mud hole like 2 weeks ago and it looked like crap) and I put Dezul on his little rope chain so he could be out there with us. I had Josh help me put the flowers I bought yesterday where we thought they would look good, then we came back inside and played a little COD: WaW.
Josh decided to BBQ some hamburgers so Dezul and I went back out with him and while he made burgers I planted my flowers! It was suppose to rain today but never did, it was just a really cloudly kind of gloomy day. So I got my flowers planted and then got to have a yummy hamburger made with <3 lol.
We played a little more COD after dinner and then Josh wanted to watch Fast and Furius and it was on for like 5 minutes before he passed out on the couch here. I got a letter from my new penpal Jenny today and I was DYING to write back but my stationary is buried under a pile of books because Josh was GOING to paint/stain the bookcase but I guess now has decided not to, so now I get to put them all back (>.<).
Anyways yeah, pretty uneventful day..and tomorrow will probably be even MORE uneventful..oh well, so goes the life of an unemployed pregnant girl I guess. I posted pics below!!
The four flowers I bought. The two yellow ones and the red one are Ranunculus and the pink one is a Geranium.
The "flower bed" I was planting them in!
My 1st watering can! ^_^
Gardening stuffs
The flowers planted! Yay!
Dezul barking at something
Josh giving Dezul some love while BBQing
Me giving Dezul love as he licks his chops cause of the BBQ