Today seemed short

Apr 01, 2009 00:27

I didn't get up until around 12:30 today, but I didn't get up to go to bed until around 2:30am and considering I don't sleep well I guess that's about right. For some reason I thought Josh worked until 4 today but he surprised me and was off a 3:30, I was still doing my make-up from getting out of the shower lol. I felt bad because I was planning on doing dishes before he got home so it didn't look like I totally wasted my time but guess I did!

So after I was done getting ready I went outside with Josh while he washes the Yukon (he took it through some big mud hole like 2 weeks ago and it looked like crap) and I put Dezul on his little rope chain so he could be out there with us. I had Josh help me put the flowers I bought yesterday where we thought they would look good, then we came back inside and played a little COD: WaW.

Josh decided to BBQ some hamburgers so Dezul and I went back out with him and while he made burgers I planted my flowers! It was suppose to rain today but never did, it was just a really cloudly kind of gloomy day. So I got my flowers planted and then got to have a yummy hamburger made with <3 lol.

We played a little more COD after dinner and then Josh wanted to watch Fast and Furius and it was on for like 5 minutes before he passed out on the couch here. I got a letter from my new penpal Jenny today and I was DYING to write back but my stationary is buried under a pile of books because Josh was GOING to paint/stain the bookcase but I guess now has decided not to, so now I get to put them all back (>.<).

Anyways yeah, pretty uneventful day..and tomorrow will probably be even MORE uneventful..oh well, so goes the life of an unemployed pregnant girl I guess. I posted pics below!!

The four flowers I bought. The two yellow ones and the red one are Ranunculus and the pink one is a Geranium.

The "flower bed" I was planting them in!

My 1st watering can! ^_^

Gardening stuffs

The flowers planted! Yay!

Dezul barking at something

Josh giving Dezul some love while BBQing

Me giving Dezul love as he licks his chops cause of the BBQ

flowers, make-up, yukon, dezul, josh, sleep, cod, bbq

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