May 23, 2004 19:04
talked about anything else lately, so I will now. My dad called me Friday night wait, let me start at the beginning. A few weeks ago (for my birthday) my parents went out of town and while they were gone, my dad went to the doctor because he was having a lot of problems with his allergies. Apparently that wasn't the real reason he went. But of course, he wasn't going to tell me this, but he did tell my mom. And my mom, not thinking, asked me how he was doing and what the doctor said because she knew he has a history of heart problems in his family. I had no idea what she was talking about, so I asked him. Surprise, surprise, he wouldn't say anything about it. Then, Friday, while Renee and Trey and I are driving back from Austin, I get the call from my dad saying that he has to tell me something, but he doesn't want to say it over the phone. I put all of that together and really started to get worried. I got over there and waited patiently for my dad to get to the point, which, for those of you who have ever met my dad, it takes a while. Here's what I've got: He has a blockage in his artery in his heart and is having an angioplasty (sp?) tomorrow. It's a minor surgery. All they do is slide a stent up one of his major veins and stick it in where the blockage is. So there are no real worries. And my parents aren't worried about it, so that makes it easier. In fact, my dad's the most disappointed that he doesn't get to miss any work out of it. The doctor said he should be back to work by Wednesday or Thursday. I guess he kind of assumed he'd get a vacation out of it. No such luck.
So, in conclusion, your parents will build up this huge thing to freak you out, but there's usually some simple solution that makes you feel stupid for overreacting.
I'm just glad he's going to be ok.