Jul 08, 2008 22:09
From Some Thoughts Concerning Education (1693)
Dancing being that which gives graceful motions all the life, and above all things manliness and a becoming confidence to young children, I think it cannot be learned too early. (emphasis mine)
etc, etc, etc.
Music is thought to have some affinity with dancing, and a good hand upon some instruments is by many people mightily valued. But it wastes so much of a young man's time to gain but a moderate skill in it and engages often in such odd company that many think it much better spared; and I have, amongst men of parts and business, so seldom heard anyone commended or esteemed for having an excellency in music, that amongst all those things that ever came into the list of accomplishments I think I may give it the last place. Our short lives will not serve us for the attainment of all things; nor can our minds be always intent on something to be learned.
Locke goes on to advocate for recreation time instead.
Yeah... so I'm writing a research paper on different philosophies of education... and unfortunately for him, John Locke is not going to be a part of it.