Mmfftpuh! That was a good series final. Aliens on a train, this is not good. They killed Mulder's dad. Mulder went crazycrazy and Scully shot him. I am just repeating facts the entire world already knows, but still. Scully shot Mulder and then drove him across the country. It was great.
In previous episodes, Scully got kidnapped and rescued twice by Mulder, but did save his life through clever science. She is good. She had detective girlfriend, who sadly died, woe. Mulder and Scully continue to be adorable, Krycek turned up again, I can faintly see why people slash Skinner and Mulder. I loved the "sideshow freak" episode, it was very funny and enjoyable, and Mulder and Scully were at their best level of adorable friendship. I have collected so many het couples over the past year, it is a little worrying.
I had plans of sleep once I had finished series 2, but that was clearly an awful lie.
In less good news I managed to burn my hand taking beans out of the microwave. I spilled bean juice across my hand and now it is red and sore, owowow. I have kept ice on it for a couple of hours, so hopefully it will get better soon.