Post a word that means something to you for each letter, with a brief why. (it will certainly be briefer than
byslantedlight's list ;-))
Abel Tasman National Park, the smallest national park in NZ on our doorstep :-)
Bird of Paradise, what a stunning plant.
Choir, singing for pleasure with a group of people.
Depeche Mode, David Gahan's vocals.
Eggs and baking, plus egg and soliders with marmite.
Fantails, adorable birds even if they constantly fly into the house and have to be encouraged to leave.
Games on my tablet, Canasta is becoming a bit of an obsession.
Internet, what would we do without it!
Jugs, my collection.
Kauri tree One of the largest and longest-living trees in the world, absolutely massive but worryingly
Kauri dieback disease is killing them off.
Laughter, off to see Billy Connelly next week. The world world be a far less enjoyable place without laughter and comedy.
Martin Freeman, sass and wit at its finest.
Neighbours, today one dropped a freshly caught fish in my fridge, one popped a bag of chillis in the mail box and one invited me over for a meal and Scrabble because the OH was diving!
Offspring, daughter in the UK son in NZ. Hugs them both tightly.
Persimmons are nearly ripe - nom, nom
Quizzes, we came first at the last one.
Reading everything and anything
Sherlock gives me endless pleasure watching the show and reading the fanfic.
Tooting, playing the recorder with my friend every week, that and gossiping. :-)
Ultraviolet the Channel 4 TV show the BEST take on Vampires ever and it has Jack Davenport
Vampire Weekend, Oxford CommaWeekends :-)
X-Files, David Duchovny, nuff said. :-)
YouTube, I can watch my favourite groups, actors, comedians even my my favourite places any time I want and I can even learn a new skill! :-)
Zips, imagine not having them!