I've been quite disconcerted by just how much I miss LJ when it's not available so I hope LJ can weather these attacks and find a way of protecting themselves. I wandered over to Dreamwidth as I have a couple of recommendations journals there, but the majority of the fandoms and communities I frequent aren't well represented, or link back to LJ! Dreamwidth appears well run, responds quickly to its users and is smaller and, I think, more fandom friendly, but I do find myself riled by the constant anti LJ sentiment expressed by far too many commentators. As one of the DW mods stated, were it not for LJ Dreamwidth would never have started and while I have not liked some of the stuff LJ has done I've accepted that it is a business run for money and have always been happy that I finally got an account here. So moving over lock stock and barrel to DW isn't the answer for me, but I wish that more people backed up their fic at an archive like Archive of Our Own, or got a back up account at DW (codes available if you want one).
Anyway, daughter put me on to a site where you can check whether
a site is down just for you or for everyone and I have spent a long time looking at the coloured chart on
downrightnow... which in retrospect is rather sad...
The heart of blogging is linking...linking and commenting. Connecting and communicating - the purpose of the Internet - George Siemens