Jun 01, 2004 15:06
So..where to start. Um....this weekend was fun-good times.
My sister and I unexpectedly and accidentally visited an old neighborhood that I used to live in. We visited the (didn't go inside or anything) house that we used to live in with Tom and his kids. Its obvious that Tom still lives there.I know most of you are like, who is Tom?!? No worries. This was odd for me. It brought back a lot of memories. I'm not sure how I feel about it.
Chris and I had good times on Friday. My brother and I chilled on Saturday.
On Sunday I went to a bonfire in Santa Cruz with a bunch of friends!!! The beach was beautiful. Accidentaly got super super wasted and proceeded to puke a lot. Gross barf-literally this time. Oh man, Brian, you are my hero. Wow. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE hangover the next day. My parents were like, Ali, do you have a hangover? I was like fuck it, I've been trying to cover it up which apparently hasn't been working since my dad is asking me about it- yes, yes I do. My mom then proceeded to annoy me as much as possible....IE:Randomly coming over by my head and banging pots and pans, giving me random chores,poking me for no other apparent reason other than to bug me, turing up the music really loud and attempting to dance with me, calling me a "PARTY BIMBO"(-do any of you know what that means?She calls me this pretty frequently and I just laugh at her....I think it has something to do with me going to a lot of parties..I dunno,I sure as hell don't know what it means-lolo.) And then she would laugh hysterically as I gave her my 'I hate you more than anything in the world look', which inevitably would end with me laughing at both her and I.
I went to a memorial day bbq mon. night at Julia's. Good times-I learned how to play Boche Ball-I don't think I spelled that right. Came to the conclusion that that game is the 'ultimate wealthy white old folk game' with Matt. You'll be happy to hear that I did not drink, alhtough there were several people trying to convince me that that would be a good idea-yeah, you know who you are a-holes.hehe. I felt like I was going to puke if I even smelled alcohol.
On another note, I've been thinking about something a lot lately. Why can't people just think of people as attractive or unattractive? Why must we rate thier attractiveness?? Like, they are attractive, but their body is or isn't this. Or their body is this or this, but their face isn't like this. Or rather, their body is pretty close to this, but no cigar. My friend Brian says that beauty has nothing to do with wieght-and he means it. I love that. We classify people according to their looks-generalizations that are nonsensical and unecessary. For instance, labeling someone with an 'All- American look' or identfiying another person as 'exotic'. Other labels like.... this person as an athletic body, or this person is built, or this person has a lot of curves, or this person is the type that the media portrays as ideal. Stop obsessing about body types. I am a performer and know these labels all to well. 70%-how you look, 20%-how you sound, 10%-what you say. Unfortunately such classification comes with the territory and all you can do is learn to deal with it.But I do not have to accept it. An individual looks like what they look like-end of story-why must we analyze it? Either you find that person attractive or you don't-either way its a concern for the eye of the beholder-not what fits or doesn't fit, it has nothing to do with society. Stop getting caught up in the generalizations and making it about society. Yes, the media portrays an ideal physique, thats not what I'm talking about here. I'm talking about our tendency to cast people into molds -in all respects-but I am specifically looking at appearance. Generalizations lead to nothing else except prejudice. Some of the most confident men I have come in contact with have been 30 lbs over weight. I was extremely attracted to one of them(yes, yes, DJ-never dated him, but wanted to JUMP HIS BONES!!ahh..freshman year- I wonder if he knows this, well, if hes reading this, now he does-tee-hee) I don't ussually go for guys with that type of build, but it made no difference, it was in accordance to what I found attractive-it never crossed my mind that he does not fit society's ideal or that he does or doesn't fit into a certain mold. He was purely attractive to me and I could not see why anyone else would think otherwise. I know we all judge; of course that occurs. You as the 'eye of the beholder' have the choice of whether or not to classify an individual's appearance-this is unecessary-go for what you are attracted to. We should not play into society's games, and if you are, shame on you.