
Oct 11, 2009 10:24

I've been neglecting LJ lately. I just don't have time! I'll update with a few things though.

When Sam went with his friends to the Renaissance Fair a while ago, he brought back a leatherbound journal for us to document what wines we drink when. In otherwords, a wine journal. We have three entries so far, and there's a lot of pages to fill!

School is going well. I loathe chemistry though. Just the lecture, not the lab. The lab is fun.

I'm wishing I could just not work while I'm in school. I would love to have the time to work on my homework and study without having to stay up until midnight after I get home from work/school. I wouldn't feel bad about it either, as I'm teased relentlessly over how I've "abandoned" my job. I'd love to tell these people (or person, actually), I'm so sorry I'm making a better life for myself... It's very frustrating, and I'm going to end up snapping on her if she doesn't let up.

Sam's stayed over here since Thursday. This is the longest he's been here, and I've loved every minute of it :D I don't know how long it'll last though. I can never get enough of him.

We tried a new chicken recipe. Chicken breasts marinated in brandy and honey. The odd thing was, after it was grilled, the chicken came out very dry. I liked the taste the marinade left, but we both agreed it wasn't anything we'd *love* to have again. Last night we had chicken breasts marinated in garlic/balsamic vinegar. It's one of our fave chicken dishes.

Yesterday I finally got wireless internet installed at my place! I can now use my laptop anywhere in my apartment without having to physically hook my modem up to it. Woohoo!

I uploaded a few pictures to my flickr account which I'd like to share with you now. :)One pic is not very special, but I wanted to post it because it's our first snowfall this year. It's not even Halloween yet!

They're big pics, so I'll put them

pics, sam, school, happy, work

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