Belated Update

Apr 19, 2009 14:37

So an update from last weekend and this weekend...

Last weekend, Sam and I had a great time as we usually do. We watched the movie Yes Man. He found a delicious Moroccan marinade that we tried out with some chicken breasts. It was SOOO yummy.

Sunday morning, I made us pancakes with baking M&M's in them. What a nice Easter breakfast:) Later, after he had gone home, I headed over to his parents' house for Easter and to celebrate his sister's birthday. Easter dinner was delicious also. Sam made the ham with a bourbon marinade. There was salad, deviled eggs, and some delectable potatoes his mom made.

Friday I heard we were going to have another snowstorm, so I was eagerly awaiting the phone call saying, "The office is closed today," but it never came. So I went into work. Sent home a little after 1 as it started snowing heavily. Here's the view from my place that day:

Here's the view from my place today:

This weekend, we watched a very strange movie with Gabriel Byrne and Natasha Richardson in it called Gothic. We (or maybe I) didn't make it through the whole movie, as Sam and I had some intoxicating drinks, and we both had little to no lunch. Ooops! :D We fell asleep for a few hours, and had dinner around 10 :D He brought over another recipe to cook up: Honey Chicken Kabobs. He didn't make them into kabobs like the recipe called for though, just as a marinade for chicken breasts, and he grilled them whole. It was sooooo damn good.

Friday I was happy to hear that my cousin Jamie proposed to his girlfriend! I'm so happy for him, and I can't wait to go to his wedding! :) I absolutely love Lesley, and I think they're so perfect for each other.

We ended up staying up til about 3am. We were laughing at the Guild Name Generator. It comes up with some pretty ridiculous stuff! For fun we watched the horoscopes on On Demand, and mine said I'd been thinking about getting engaged, to which Sam looked at me and said, "Your horoscope is WRONG!" He thought it was THE funniest thing and could not stop laughing at it (and me maybe? lol) I was falling in and out of sleep for a while though, and Sam kept waking me up by spanking my butt.

Woke up this morning around 1030, and I made us some homemade pancakes that Sam had made 2 weekends ago. They come out fluffy every single time! He brought over some new coffee for us to try too. Starbucks Espresso Roast. It tasted pretty good.

Tonight, Sam is cooking dinner for his mom, his friend Alex, and I. It's mahi mahi. A few weekends ago he grilled salmon here, and I ended up liking it a lot. I hope tonight will be the same with this new seafood.
For those of you who may not know this, the only seafood I've ever actually enjoyed eating in my entire life is New England Clam Chowder. That's it. Since I've been with Sam, he's made me try a whole bunch of new foods, including seafood.

Last, but not least, today's the 6 year anniversary of my father's death, so I'm thinking about him.

dad, snow, sam, winter, happy, work, cooking, food, fun, school, movies, holiday, birthday

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