More from the last entry

Oct 07, 2008 07:49

I was too tired last night to post everything in detail. So yesterday at work, my boss says she needs to talk to me. She goes on to tell me that last Friday, there were a couple complaints that I "wasn't helping" when we were closing. I was working, but "apparently" the girls were afraid to ask me to help because they thought I would get mad. What is this, fifth grade? Does no one know how to communicate anymore? I'm SO easy to talk to, SO approachable. Everyone who knows me knows this. Just come say hey, I know you're working, but could you please help us? It's really not that hard. I told my boss when she had interviewed me that communication was very important in any job I take. I emphasized it. So I was irritated all day about that.

Then my coffee finally got delivered that I ordered almost a month ago, and it's the wrong effing flavor. HAZELNUT. On the packing slip it specifically says FRENCH VANILLA. They also spelled my name on the shipping label as Susan. I am nowhere NEAR a Susan. It's a big pet peeve of mine. Stupid fricking Kraft people. $#@$#^@^#$ So I have to send it back, and no way am I going to reorder. Forget it. If I ever want some really good coffee, I'll either have Irish coffee with Sam on the weekends, or if I need something in the morning, I'll go to Peaberry's.

I was so frustrated over the whole day last night that all I could do was get all teary eyed over it and fall asleep. I wasn't stressed; just really, really frustrated. Not one single part of my day went right, except I didn't have any annoying, screaming kids during flu clinic.

I hope today goes better for me.

irish, cry, sam, work

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