Nice 3 Day Weekend with Sam :D

Jul 06, 2008 20:59

I had a fun, relaxing three day weekend at home with Sam. He came over Friday in time to watch the fireworks off my deck with me while we had some mead to drink. Watched some South Park on On Demand. Went to bed a bit early though because he'd been not feeling well that week. Had eggs for breakfast Saturday, some homemade chicken quesadilas for lunch, and forgot to eat dinner :D We had some Irish coffee, and I had a couple more after him, along with a little more mead. I felt bad for Sam this weekend though, because he just wasn't feeling well AT ALL. I still had fun with him regardless :)

We watched The Count of Monte Cristo (the newer one), along with a 1978 movie called F.I.S.T. with a very young Sylvester Stallone in it. It was actually kinda good IMO. We stayed up SOOO late, til around 4:30am. Slept in til a decent time in the morning, and completely skipped breakfast since it was already so late. We had for lunch today what we were supposed to have for dinner last night: spicy garlic chicken. It's a little kit you buy at the grocery store in the aisle where they sell the rice. You just have to buy the chicken. It tasted pretty good.

I cooked some garlic bread with cheese in the oven for a little snack, and then we watched this very good documentary about Blackbeard on National Geographic for a couple hours, and then Sam went home. I'm glad he seemed to be feeling somewhat better when he left. I don't like it when people I love are sick. I worry as usual.

Tomorrow is my first day at my new job, and I'm pretty excited. I'm going in already knowing how to do pretty much everything, so I should fit right into the mix. I just have to learn the way they do things, how they chart, etc. Basically procedures around the office. No more "summer hours" where I'll be making not so much money. 8-5pm, with some Saturday mornings, but I don't think it will be too much, since I'm the TENTH Medical Assistant there.

Wish me luck, and Sam, you get yourself better for this weekend ;) :X

irish, sam, happy, work, fun, health, sick, movies, holiday

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