Long update for the past week.

Nov 27, 2007 20:16

Monday November 19th, 2007
Mom flew in to town this day, and I met her after work for dinner. I can't remember where we went now, but it was good. :D Hung out at her hotel room til about 9ish and headed home.

Tuesday November 20th, 2007
Worked. Left early to pick up Sam and take him to his lasik eye surgery appointment. Just BARELY got him there on time for the dang thing. I left an hour before his appointment, and it still wasn't enough time. Anyway, got to watch the whole procedure. It was really cool seeing it, but when he was on the table and had his eyeball being held apart, it kinda creeped me out because it looked like he was the victim of some mad scientist's experiment or something. But cool nonetheless. Took him home, got his prescription and some Nyquil, and headed home. Didn't see mom that day because I was with Sam for a while.

Wednesday November 21st, 2007
Worked. Got out an hour earlier than usual from work due to a slow day. Met up with mom for dinner. Hung out at my place for a bit, then took her back to her hotel. Nothing terribly exciting happened ;)

Thursday November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving at Sam's house! I was looking forward to this for forever. Mom and I left a bit too early, so we got my car washed, hung out at Starbucks, and drove around to waste time, since we didn't want to get to his house at an ungodly early time. We brought over some Relax wine, Chardonnay, and some Chaucer's mead, Guinness, and some muffins from Perkins. My mom and I had a great time. The food was DELISH. Turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, stuffing, bread.. Soo good. Oh, we brought over some French silk pie for dessert from the Village Inn too. We all hung around for a little while after dinner, and we left somewhere around 6ish or so. Mom and I got hungry for dinner later, so we ate at Perkins.

Friday November 23rd, 2007
Did NOT go shopping at ridiculous hours. Looked around online but really didn't see anything of interest to me. Mom and I just hung out with each other. Put an application in at the apartment complex next door to me and gave a deposit. Excited about going there after my lease is up here :D

Saturday November 24th, 2007
Hung out with mom. Got my oil changed in my car, got a new winter coat and pj's at the mall, went to the grocery store, dropped off some items at the dry cleaner's, and came back to my place. Went out to dinner at Carrabba's with Sam and mom. Had good food. Got a bit embarrassed (not in the bad way) by mom a little with some things she said during dinner, but it was alright. Drove mom back to her hotel room, and hung out with Sam that night. We watched the Transformers movie. Pretty cool. I liked it. Drank some mead, and just spent time with each other. Made him breakfast the next morning, hung out for a little bit more, and he headed home. Hung out with mom later that day. We saw the movie Fred Claus with Vince Vaughn in it. Funny movie. The end was kind of sappy, so I tried real hard not to get all teary-eyed by looking around at everything but the movie screen. Mom and I went to dinner where I had some clam chowder and some chicken. Had some hard cider which I would have liked to finish had I not been the driver. Dropped mom off at her hotel room.

Monday November 26, 2007
Worked. Picked mom up for dinner and we went to Chili's. I just had a salad. Talked and hung out for a while. Went back to her hotel room where she watched Dancing with the Stars, and I watched The Hills afterwards. Said our goodbyes, as she was leaving today, so I wouldn't be seeing her.

I had a great time with her. Glad I got to spend Thanksgiving with her and Sam's family. Today I'm just pooped from working. Was a very busy day. Not many screaming kids thankfully.

I just hate being tired at 8 o'clock at night. Makes me feel old. :P

shopping, going out, sam, colorado, mom, vacation, happy, work, friends, fun, family, movies, holiday

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