Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Sep 10, 2007 18:13

This past weekend Sam and I went to the Scottish Highlands Games in Estes Park here in CO. It was a kind of long drive, but it was SOOO pretty driving there. We went through the mountainss to get to the valley that is Estes Park. Then when we got there, we were surrounded by a lake on either side of the road, and all around us were the mountains. SO beautiful. I saw where the Standley Hotel was (The Shining was filmed there). Sam was dressed up for the event and HE. LOOKED. GOOD. I was disappointed the ribbon I ordered hadn't come in on time. It was a wool hair ribbon to match his tartan that I ordered from Scotland over a month ago. Gr.

Anyway, we met up with his friend Brandon, his wife, and his grandparents. All very nice people. We stopped at the clan tents where they had the histories of each clan and whatnot. I had a shot of some Scottish Whiskey and that burned down my throat so bad. After the burning sensation went away though, it wasn't bad :D I only had one since I'm not one to usually take shots of hard liquor.

We saw the breeds of dogs that originated from Scotland, listened to some bagpipes being played, and saw some cannons being fired. We also got to see the band Seven Nations play. They sounded awesome in person, and a lot of bands usually can't carry that off very well.

I looked around at the jewelry for sale, but nothing really caught my eye. It was all cheap stuff that would tarnish, and I like to pick out nice stuff in sterling silver or white gold, so I came home empty-handed. I still had fun though, and I liked going with Sam.

We came back to my place, I changed my clothes, and we went to dinner at the Macaroni Grill. Had some yummy food and headed back to my place. We were both so tired after that day. We were going to go the next day (Sunday), but we figured we'd pretty much seen everything in that one day, so we just rested and slept in.

Sunday after Sam went home I started feeling pretty lousy. Achy all over, throat was starting to hurt.. I prolly caught something either at work or at the games I'm sure. So last night I had the worst night's sleep I've had in a long time, fever, sore throat, achy everywhere, the works. I went in to work anyway because it was a Monday, and you know what people think about you when you call out of work on a Monday... so couldn't do that. I went in to work, worked for a few hours, and then finally I was sent home early. At least I was paid for a few hours' time instead of none. I have enough overtime hours that I could afford to go home early at least.

So here I am resting and dealing with the crappy sore throat I have. I even took Nyquil last night and that didn't help me sleep anyway.

Just gonna relax for now and do whatever, hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. My voice is already starting to go on me. Blech.

going out, sam, happy, work, fun, health, sick, highlands games

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