Jan 26, 2007 06:26

Even though it's not the Friday I get paid on. but still. YAY weekend! I'm still half asleep typing this.

Had a dream last night that I was having my surgery again, only the person performing the surgery was Dr. McDreamy from Grey's Anatomy. Sweet :D But nothing interesting happened in the dream.

Another dream I had was going on a cruise with Sam. There was a weird way of getting to the boat. Had to sit on this raft and float along this man-made river of sorts, while water gushed to push you upstream or whatever. Then you made it to the ship. But then when I made it to the ship, turned out I had absolutely nothing with me. No important paperwork. I had to go all the way back home, get my paperwork, pack my suitcase... you get the idea.

So that was it. I fell asleep pretty early, somewhere between 11pm and 12am. I worked out yesterday, so maybe that's why I'm so extra tired today. I've gotta close at work tonight, but I'd like to make it to my gym so I can update my gym account with my new bank card, well, and work out, obviously...

Gotta go get freshened up for work. Oh joy.

exercise, dreams, fun, sam, cruise, vacation, work

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