The Big 100

Jan 22, 2007 21:19

1. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank?
A glass of Schmitt Schone Reisling wine

2. Do you follow college football?
Nope, I don't care about football.

3. How many miles does your car have on it?
Around 60K.

7. Where was the last place you went shopping?
Barnes and Noble

8. How do you feel about your hair?
I like it :)

9. Favorite color?

10. Last thing you ate?
One slice of pizza

11. Do you wish you were someplace else right now?
Don't I always?

12. Last Person you were with/around?
My coworkers

13. Do you have any expensive jewelry?
Um.. a couple I think. Depends on what you classify as expensive. If you mean like diamonds and rubies and whatnot, then I have no expensive jewelry whatsoever. :P

14. AIM or MSN?

15. What classes are you taking?
None, I work.

16. How many hours on average do you work a week?
Around 50 or so.

17. What kind of make up do you use?
L'Oreal and Maybelline

18. Favorite NFL team?
See #2.

19. Do you watch the Olympics?

20. Last bar you went to?
Dunno. Must have been a LOONNG time ago.

21. Who was the last person to call you?

22. What's your sign?

23. Do you have a favorite number?

24. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donations?
Umm... nada. :D

25. What do you spend the majority of your money on?
Right now, bills and scrubs for work.

26. Where does most of your family live?
We're about half n half. Some here in Florida, some in New England.

27. Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
Only child.

28. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
I was when my dad was alive. :)

29. Ever been called a bitch?
Probably, but never to my face.

30. Got any guilty pleasures?
Cute coffee mugs, french vanilla cappuccino coolers, and Sam. :)

31. Do you drink beer?
Ew, no.

32. Have you ever experienced true love?
Hmm... I'll have to get back to you on that one.

33. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies?
Used to. I still have some I need to get rid of!

34. Ever ordered anything online?
That's all I do, except for when I have to get something from Barnes and Noble.

35. Myspace or Facebook?
Myspace, obviously.

36. Do you have T-Mobile?

37. What is your favorite subject?

38. Who is the person that took this before you?
Someone else on MySpace.

39. Do you usually fall for bad boys/girls?

40. Were you an outcast in high school?

41. Last time you saw your parents?
My mom, since I live with her ;)

42. Do you have any talents?
Uh, I don't think Sam would want me answering that here ;)

43. Ever been in a wedding?

44. Do you have any children?

45. Last movie you watched?
The Wizard of Oz

46. One thing you do frequently is?

47. Did you take a nap today?
I wish!

48. What was your high school's colors?
Black and gold

49. Ever been on a cruise?
Yeah, and I have one coming up soon with Sam!! =)

50. Favorite vacation spot?
So far, Ireland, but I'm sure there's places I haven't been to yet that would become my favorite.

51. How many pets do you have?
One cat.

52. Do you have any wealthy friends?
If I did, I'd be asking for money ALL the time. :D

53. Ever met anyone really famous before?

54. Favorite actress?
Susan Sarandon

56. Are you multi-tasking right now?

57. Could you handle being in the military?
I think so.

58. Are you hungry or thirsty?

59. Favorite fast food restaurant?

60. Do you have any grandparents still alive?
I have one grandma still here.

61. What is your average cell phone bill?
76 bucks a month

62. Do you own a cell phone?
See #61 :P

63. Ever had to take a sobriety test?

64. Do you believe in Karma?
Kinda sorta maybe.

65. Can you speak any other languages?
Not yet.

66. Last time you walked down a street?
Hm. Not sure about that one.

67. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Too many.

68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use?
My website.

69. Last place you drove your car?
Home from the gym.

70. What is your college mascot?
A Spartan.

71. Ever been to Las Vegas?
Once when I was really little.

72. Where do you want to live?
Not here ;)

73. Have you ever bought condoms?
Only once.

74. Plans for tonight?

75. What do you think is your best feature?
I never really gave this much thought LOL Not sure.

76. Have you ever been gambling?

77. How old are you?

78. When is the last time you updated your blog?
Right now!

79. Do you have your wisdom teeth?

80. Best lip gloss?
Juicy Tubes.

81. Have you been to New York?

82. Favorite sit down restaurant:
Any Italian place.

83. Ever been to Disneyland?
DisneyWORLD, yes

84. Do you have a favorite cartoon character?

85. Last thing you cooked?
A microwave meal at work.

86. How is the weather today?
Grey and rainy.

87. Boyfriend/girlfriend?
Sam =)

88. Last letter/piece of mail you received besides junk or a bill?
Renewal of my AAMA membership.

89. Favorite store?
Not sure.

90. Purses, Shoes, or Sunglasses?
All of them

91. Last voicemail you received?
Um.. from my mom

92. Do you drunk dial?
Nope, well, maybe I would if I had like, 3 glasses of wine. I'd call Sam :D

93. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?

94. What city do you want to live in?
I've already CHOSEN that for now. Westminster.

96. Last time you were sick?
I don't remember. I'm always sick with some little thing since I work in pediatrics.

97. Are you bored right now?

98. Next concert you plan on attending?
I'm not big into concerts.

99. Do you watch reality tv?
I like America's Next Top Model

100. What are your plans for tomorrow?
Work. Big surprise ;)


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