Because I'm awake and there's nothing else to do

Nov 17, 2006 06:26

1. What are you wearing?
robe and pj pants and socks to keep my feet warm

2. What did you do last night?
Worked, went home, ate dinner, went to bed.

3. Favorite Memory with significant other?
My entire vacation out to see him last week :)

4. Last gift received?
This beautiful necklace that Sam gave me. :)

5. Describe the last picture you were in?
Just a pic on my camera phone

6. Last thing you ate?
Pork chops

7. Last thing you drank?

8. What kind of underwear are you wearing?
None of yer beeswax

9. What was your best vacation?
Last week out in CO :)

10. What are you most looking forward to in the next vacation?
Sam and I are going on a CRUISE to the carribean in Feb! :) It's during the week of Valentine's Day too :D

11. What is happening around you?
Absolutely, positively nothing.

12. What is your shoe size?
6.5 - 7

13. Last event you dressed up for?
Seeing Sam

14. Biggest pet peeve?
My pet peeve works at the office. She's a snobby, haughty, bitch who I cannot STAND to be around.

15. What is the most expensive thing you have on right now?
Nothing's really expensive that I have on.

16. What is your favorite smell?
Aspen cologne. *drool*

17. Is there something you really want to buy right now?
Yeah, an apartment.

18. What is your favorite memory?
This is such a vague question, but I'll go with seeing Sam for the first time in MONTHS since he's been deployed :)

19. What are you nicknames?
Yeah right, like I'm gonna say that here.

20. Funniest thing said today?

21. What are your plans for today?
Working, then going home. Can't do anything with only 40 bucks to my name til next friday.

22. Describe your myspace picture.
Just me doing a cheesy wave to the camera.

23. What did you do this weekend?
Had Saturday off, slept off the slight jet lag I had, worked on Sunday, slept off some more jet lag.

24. Favorite brand of clothes?
American Eagle, Ralph Lauren, DKNY, Hilfiger, or Victoria's Secret

25. What is your ringtone?
It's a non-annoying one. :)

deployed, shopping, going out, pics, sam, colorado, happy, work, bored

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