Another One!

Sep 25, 2006 21:20

1. What kind of car do you drive?
2003 Nissan Altima

2. Automatic or Stick?
Auto, No one's ever shown me how to drive a stick shift.

3. Color?
The manufacturer calls it Crystal Blue.

4. Honestly is it a piece of shit?
Nah. It's a good decent car, and it gets me where I want to go.

5. Do you drive with both hands?

6. When you're driving, is the radio on or off?
Sometimes on, sometimes off.

7. Windows down or A/C?
If it's nice, cool fall weather, I'll put the windows down. But during the hot florida summer, it's AC all the way!

8. Do you even look at your speedometer?

9. Ever do other things while driving?
I use my cell phone, and if I have some fast food or a drink I'll have it while driving.

10. Do you drive better during the day or at night?
During the day. Headlights and streetlights are VERY bright to me at night, so I can't stand it. I CAN drive at night, but I just don't like to if I don't have to.

11. Can you drive in the rain?
I can, I just hate when it's at night and all the bright ass lights reflect on the road.

12. Yellow light means?
Caution - but if I'm too close to the light to slow down, I'll go through it.

13. Who is the best driver you know?
I used to think it was my mom.

14. How many accidents have you had?

15. Ever totaled a car completely?
It should have been totaled, but because the cost of repair was 2k UNDER half the price of what the car was worth, the insurance company made me wait 6 DAMN MONTHS to get my car repaired. F**kers.

16. Does interstate driving bother you?
Only when it's raining heavily.

17. Do you lock your doors as soon as you get in your car?
Yeah. It's an automatic with me.

18. Coolest car you've ever taken a ride in?
Hm. I think as far as looks go, and power.. I'd definitely have to say Sam's car :D HOT!!!

19. Ugliest car on the planet?
There are toooo many to list.

20. True or False: Red and Yellow cars get pulled over more often.
It just depends on the driver I think.

21. Ever wanted to drive on the other side of the road?
Sure, but I would only do it in Europe. :)

22. How many tickets have you had?
in the past 8 yrs or so, I've had NONE. When I was 16 and started driving, oh man, I got like 3 or 4 speeding tickets in a span of 6 months.

23. 0-60 in how many seconds?
Oh please, my car's only a 4 cylinder.

24. How often do you take your car off-road?

25. Ever hit a pedestrian?

26. Anything broken on your car right now?
The stupid pos plastic skidplate.

27. Coolest car accessory you own?

28. Do you decorate your car?
Just with USMC stuff :)

29. Best song about cars?
"Down" by Lit.

30. Your dream car?
Sonic Blue SVT Lightning :)

bored, sam

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