more questions

Sep 24, 2006 15:10

01. is your hair wet? Slightly, from this morning.

02. is your cell phone right beside you? Yup.

03. do you miss someone? Hell yes I do, what do you think?!

04. are you wearing makeup? yuppers

05. are you wearing chapstick: Not right now, but I put it on before I put lipstick on; it makes it easier.

06. are you cold: Never cold. I'm good for snuggling that way :D

07. are you tired: Nope!

08. are you excited: Sure am! Sam's coming home very very soon :D

09. are you watching t.v: Nope, I'm obviously looking at the computer screen :P

10. are you wearing pajamas: Nope.


01. done anything you regret: Yeah, but what's done is done.

02. ever lied: Who hasn't?

03. ever stuck gum under a desk: Actually, no.

04. ever kicked someone: Sure.

05. ever trip over your own feet?: Ha! Yeah. I have. I'm a klutz sometimes.

06. ever cried so hard you almost threw up: Uhhhh. No? That was stupid.


01. have you cursed: Nope!

02. have you yelled at someone: That would be a no.

03. have you gotten mad at someone: Negative.

04. have you cried: Nada.

05. have you called more than 3 people? Nyet.

06. have you im'd more than 3 people? Uh uh. (that means no)


Q 01: is there a person who is on your mind right now? Oh for the love of.. What do you think?! DUH! When is Sam NOT on my mind?

Q 02: where is the last place you went? The gym.

Q 03: who is the last person you called? Mi madre.

Q4: who do you like more, your mom or dad? Oh geez. My dad used to play that game with me all the time, and my answer was always the same. I like them both EQUALLY!

Q 05: do you have any siblings? None that I'm aware of.

Q 06: do you smile often? Oh yeah. Especially when I'm thinking about a certain someone who shall remain nameless, like Sam. :D Hahahaha :D

Q 07: do you think that someone is thinking about you right now? I hope so :D

Q 08: do you wish on stars? Sure, why not.

Q 09: do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? Nope.

Q 10: when did you last cry? Last night, watching the movie Father of the Bride. It makes me sad now that my own dad's passed away. :(

Q 11: do you like your handwriting? Sometimes.

Q 12: are you a friendly person? Very :)

Q 13: who's bed did you sleep in last night? My own. I wish Sam had been in it!!

Q 14: what color shirt are you wearing? Grey with black letters on it.

Q 15: do you have any pets? A cat.

Q 16: what is the color of your bedsheets? Dark sky blue.

Q 17: What were you doing at 9 last night? Playing my Sims game.

Q 18: i can't wait until.. Sam comes home finally, and then I can't wait to see him!! :D

Q 19: is tom on your friends list? From Myspace? He's retarded.

Q 20: look to your right. what's there? A couch.

Q 22: ever cried yourself to sleep? Yeah.

Q 23: ever cried on your friend's shoulder? Yeah.

Q 24: song that makes you cry? The one Adam Sandler sang in The Wedding Singer called "I Wanna Grow Old With You"

Q 25: are you normally a happy person? OF COURSE!

Q 26: has anyone ever said 'i love you' to you? Yeah.

Q 27: is your self-esteem extremely low? Helllllll no. =)

deployed, dad, noelle, cry, sam, mom, happy, sad, bored, exercise, movies

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