Spent 2 hours at the gym tonight. Good stuff. I'm so tired.
So coming up this week for me:
- Getting paid Friday
- Getting hair trimmed and highlighted with blond highlights Saturday at 12:15
- Going to look at an apartment that's right smack in New Tampa and INCLUDES WATER in the el-cheapo rent! YAHOO
- More gym time, pretty much every day
I had to close at work again tonight. I don't mind it, it just means overtime for me, which makes for a sweet paycheck. It's just kinda tiring, but I know that in the end, all of my hard work and effort will pay off. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I think I'm pretty hard worker. I'm proud of that. :)
Considering getting another cell phone already. Not a different provider, but just a better phone. I was looking at the Motorola Razr V3, the Motorola V360, or the Motorola Pebl. Speaking of Motorola, wtf is up with the cutsie shortened names? RAZR. PEBL. Is someone in marketing too damn lazy to spell it all out or something? Sheesh.
Didn't get to hear from Sam today. Kinda throws me off track, when I've always looked forward to a message or 2 or 5 from him every day. It's like you're running running running and then *WHACK* you run smack into a brick wall. I sent him messages regardless because I know he'll see them. I STILL haven't gotten a mailing address from him yet! I have dvds I want to send him and a dang Valentine's Day card, and no address! I'm gonna end up with my head cut off like a chicken and still find the time to run around going nuts.
Ok, that was a gross way of putting it, but you all know what I mean.
Off to shower and get this stink offa me, then Whose Line Is It Anyway? is on at 10! ABC Family channel if anyone else wants to see it! :)