
Jan 14, 2006 15:27

How Would It Comfort You To Know That The Ambulance Bears The Only Christmas Lights You'll Ever See?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And Then Emotion Was Forgotten, Sustained In The Light of Fear, A voiceless Cry carries Our insecurites, Through The Wind That was never put at our backs, reason left the heart as we Forget the One's We Love, Carry this Pistol Unto thee, trapping my soul in a seemingly endless waltz, A feather touched a Cheek, A finger grazed cold steel, Will I Strengthen My Resolve, Hurry. Listen to the Voices, Though they will not hear you, A ghost, A myth, An illusion of Love so boldly beckons One to Believe that this was real, So give in to those inner faults that led us here, those blinding lights they've been flashing to halt our ascent to something beautiful...WAIT! Something BEAUTIFUL?? Life teaches us that to strive for something beautiful is to die on the Inside, So I Die, O, SO I Die Every Morning, Every Day, Every Week, That I keep You Near to Heart and Soul, That Soul Which Has been lifeless for...for...fffo,oo,or, The grasp of time is lost, O what little do we have!?!? I hav'nt seen the sun in a while, but then again, I havnt seen the Moon, I Havn't Seen September, I havn't Seen June, I havn't thought of anyone, Before I thought of you, And so that light is taken away from me, And the ambulance is the only Christmas light we'll see.

To Forget is To Listen, Thats why it will fall on Deaf ears,
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