There's only one person in the world who decides what I'm going to do, and that's me.

Dec 27, 2010 21:38

Doctor Who I am so pleased you are back. Image-heavy semi-review under cut.

1. Is it me or are they starting to figure how to make CGI look good? S5 was beautiful (THE prettiest and most visually thoughtful season of Doctor Who bar none and I will fight you if you disagree), but I am impressed they managed to do this level of spectacle without forgetting about cinematography. The 'camera' 'crane shot' into the 'town' at the beginning was very Once Upon a Time in the West; there's a few cuts in the post-credits scene, but they're near-seamless, and the first proper cut is to the Ejaculating Tower of Doom, which is precisely the sort of visual shorthand the show should do all the time; and Kazran's vast, echoing house recalled (YES I am GOING THERE) Charlie Kane's Xanadu. Also check dem camera angles. Check em.

Wait up -


Let's do this thing.

"A Christmas Carol" vs Citizen Kane

"I was on my way to the Western Manhattan Warehouse in search of my youth. You see, my mother died a long time ago and her things were put in storage out West. There wasn't any other place to put them. I thought I'd send for them now. Tonight, I was going to take a look at them. You know, a sort of sentimental journey."


2. This is a ymmv, but I adore how small the focus is under Moffat. It's not the end of the world, it's one ship; and it's not really the ship, it's one man struggling against his nature, and the Doctor's meddling tendencies getting away from him again. Or, about a boy, and flying fish, and wonder and fear and the thin line between predator and prey. UGH METAPHORS.

3. MATT SMITH'S FACES. Can't deal.
3a. Interlude of personal fanon:

There's a bit in a Six audio where the Doctor's playing matchmaker, sorrrt of like he is with Kazran and Abigail here. When it ends badly, he flips his shit, because Six is all about flipping his shit, and raging against the injustices of the universe, and feeling personally injured when bad things happen. But Eleven is just...there's maybe a touch of Seven's manipulation, but mostly there's acceptance and nostalgia and an understanding that the world is what it is, and sometimes it hurts, and that's a thing everyone just has to deal with.

4. Abigail in a fridge who must die to save a man's soul - is one of those things that I note and move on from. It's terrible how little I care about social issues in media. The fairy tale worked for me, sry2say.

5. Lol no such thing as isomorphic controls. HOLLER. This is esp relevant to me as I re-watched "The Two Doctors" recently. RASSILON IMPRIMATURE~


7. How sexy was all that steampunk shit. FOR REAL THOUGH I was salivating. I want a pipe organ console that controls the weather, give it to meeeee.


1. River Song, dear lord.

2. WHAT GIANT DOLLS O NO. Nightmare fuel for days.

3. The Utah episode appears to be a Western-inspired romp about the FBI and Roswell, which I didn't know Moffat could read my mind but he apparently made the ~episode of my heart~. Three of my favorite pieces of American mythology.

4. SO EXCITE OMG. I feel bad for the people who can't let go of their love for RTD/Tennant long enough to enjoy the show.
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