Winter break is for writing letters!

Dec 08, 2008 22:11

As of 1:30 today, I am officially on winter break. This is wonnnnnderful! I took a long walk with Brother #2 this evening, and that was really nice. I missed that kid. My mom and stepdad are going to be out tomorrow night, so it'll be just the two of us. We'll have a wild party, we will. (Haha. He wishes. I'm so strict with him.)

Horror of horrors, I'm barely going to see Brother #1 at all this week. Like, I may not see him until Friday. Gah.


This evening I also read the first half of Brand New Day Volume 1 and watched Heroes. And so, I have some letters I need to write.

Dear NBC,

Tonight's episode of Heroes, Our Father, was abysmal. It was convoluted. There was so much going on that we barely got to spend any time with any of the characters. Characters did things and had interactions that were incredibly questionable. I was not at all pleased.

I'm very disappointed. Tying multiple stories together is your thing, Heroes; I know you can pull it off. There are always tons of plots weaving together, and they're always a little precarious, but either a) They come together in the end, or b) They don't, but it doesn't matter because they're all so good and make sense on their own.

Very little of tonight's episode stood well on its own. Even less was good. There are so many fantastic characters in the show, and even though most of them were there tonight, I felt like I didn't get to see any of them. Oh yeah, I thought when Mohinder came on screen. He's in this episode. Huh. Ditto with Nathan and Tracy. And Peter and the Haitian. Oh yeah, and Parkman and Ando and Daphne. And, um, Sylar.

Meanwhile, Claire and Hiro are embarking on a story that could hypothetically be interesting... except that it's resolved in an unsatisfactory way at the end of the episode. You didn't even have the decency to string us along until at very least the next episode. If you're going to give me a bad ending, give me a good story first. I tend to forgive bad endings if the lead-up is good enough. It's the journey, not the destination, and all that.

But this. This was not a good journey.

I'm relieved that next week's episode is the last one of the season. Quite honestly, I wasn't even looking forward to tonight's episode. The Eclipse Parts I and II were so bad that I'd just lost interest. But Heroes is prone to oscillate between the good and bad, so I gave you the benefit of the doubt. But after tonight, I just have no need to watch the show anymore. I'll give you until episode 3 of next season. If things don't get interesting, clear, and good by then, you've lost yourself a viewer.

Come on, Heroes. Shape up.


Dear Marvel,

Okay, I'll bite: What do you guys all the sudden have against Spider-Man? Because I'm halfway through Brand New Day Volume 1 and I must say... it's absolute garbage.

Here's the thing, Marvel. It's not that Peter's life sucks. It's not that he has bad luck. Those are what Spider-Man is all about. I get that, and I respect that. Sure, I'd like for something to go right for him every once in a while, but that's just my inner fangirl speaking. I don't hold anyone accountable for the fact that Peter is nothing if not a magnet for bad luck.

But Brand New Day. That's not his life sucking. That's not bad luck. It's just trash.

A friend of mine said it best: You guys at Marvel realized you'd messed up Spider-Man's corner of the Marvel U after he unmasked himself during Civil War. So in a last ditch effort to save yourselves, you pulled a Mephisto on us and boom! No more public identity! No more Mary-Jane! No more past! No more anything.

Do you guys even know the meaning of the word "continuity?"

No. No, you don't.

I'm mad, Marvel. I'm mad at you. I'm mad that you did something so foolish as to unmask Spider-Man. That was a long time ago, but still, it was a stupid thing to do. And I'm furious that you pulled this deux ex machina on us. You messed things up, so fix it. Don't take it out on me, the reader, by putting out this alternate-but-not-alternate story that makes no sense and isn't even well written. Put Spider-Man back where he should be. I don't care if you pull another Mephisto or a Madame Web or a Scarlet Spider or whatever. Just. Fix. It.

Because you know what? I love Spider-Man with all my heart and soul. He is my hero. I have been through some incredibly difficult and painful moments in my life, and Spider-Man is one of the people who has gotten me through. I have complete and utter respect for him.

But if this is the way it's going to be, I will not continue to read him. I will finish Brand New Day Volume 1, and I will probably read Volume 2 and maybe Volume 3. But if things don't shape up by the end of Volume 3, I will put him aside. I will read the New Avengers and Captain America and Dark Reign. Maybe I'll start reading some other titles. I will not turn my back on the Marvel U completely-- not yet, at least. But trust me when I say I do not have infinite patience. I love Spider-Man, and it's doing him a disservice if I read this foolishness that has his face splashed across the front.

I really don't like having to do this. I hate the idea of leaving Spider-Man. So please. Please fix this.



Why yes, I do take my entertainment very seriously. Why do you ask?

In all honesty, if Marvel doesn't fix things soon I will be sending them a letter. It definitely won't be the one above, but I will express the same sentiments. Just in a less confrontational style.

Here's to things improving! And to winter break!

heroes, spider-man, comics, winter break, brothers

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