Sep 22, 2008 16:00
I moved into my on-campus apartment room yesterday, and today I was pleasantly surprised to find that push-pins go into the walls very, very easily. Very much yay.
And I bought a trash can today. It seems that whoever was putting this room together decided that hey, trash cans aren't necessary, let's not give them any! So I bought one and had a fun time walking around downtown with it. I set it up a little bit ago, and the first thing I threw away was the trash can's receipt. It felt very zen.
The beds here are really high up. REALLY high up. I have to launch myself into it. Or I could just use the little ladder thing at the foot of the bed, but where's the challenge in that?
Just for kicks, here's a to-do list:
-Put up Avatar and Spectacular Spider-Man posters, once they're finished flattening out.
-Make a second attempt at buying a used textbook.
-Call my summer job and ask them about the whereabouts of my final paycheck.
-Find my classrooms.
-Finish unpacking the odds and ends that are still in my suitcases.
-Ummm I think that's it. I think.
-Except that I also really want to read some comics.
I'm hungry. I want dinner time to hurry up and get here. Perhaps I will venture to one of the farther dining halls tonight? Also, it bothers me how the hungry emoticon is so sad looking. I'm not sad; I'm hungry.