It's 1:20 AM, I just got home from work, I'm eating yoghurt for dinner while texting with a friend about Star Trek and Sherlock. What better time for a meme?
2. I'm really bad at advocating for myself. If someone's being unfair to me, I'll usually just go with it rather than put myself out there and stand up for myself. Or if I’m sick, I’ll try to just wait it out until someone makes me go to the doctor. I think it comes from feeling like I don’t deserve attention. It’s not a very healthy attitude. Also, I’m a REALLY BAD singer.
7. Ahhh, this is the hardest question!! The Patron Saint of Liars by Ann Patchett, The Dante Club by Matthew Pearl, Watership Down by Richard Adams, Complicity by Iain Banks, and the James Bond series by Ian Fleming are probably my favorites, but choosing between them is impossible!
20. There’s this local ice cream shop that has Swiss milk chocolate ice cream, and it’s basically the best thing ever.
22. My dad’s wife has said some pretty mean things to me. She’s belittled my fears and anxieties, told me that my interests are stupid, and implied that I can’t think for myself, among other equally lovely things.
24. …are passionate about things. None of this ~it’s cool to be indifferent~ nonsense. Show me that you have interests and goals and values! Show me that things matter to you!
29. Hmm, I can’t think of a single most embarrassing moment- which is probably a good thing! There was the time maybe 6 months ago when I dropped an entire tray of soufflé on the floor at work. That was pretty embarrassing.
37. I’m pretty sure I’d like to have kids someday, and if I do, I definitely want more than one. Optimally, I think I’d like to have three kids, but maybe two, and certainly no more than four.
50. I really love the words discombobulate and dissonance. And I love to intentionally misuse the word literally. “It’s LITERALLY a thousand degrees out today. This is LITERALLY the worst thing that’s ever happened.” No, it’s not.
55. Besides all kinds of derogatory slurs, something which always makes me super uncomfortable is when people transliterate the Hebrew name of God. (I’m not going to write it, for obvious reasons, but this is what I’m talking about.) When I hear it spoken or see it written, I get this intense, almost physical reaction, especially if I don’t know it’s coming. It actually really surprises me that it upsets me so much, since I don’t believe in God. But for whatever reason I find it incredibly unsettling, and it’s one of the very, very few ways someone can offend my religious sensibilities.
56. BAD TEACHERS. Like, it’s their job to teach me, that is their job description. In college I had way too many professors who couldn’t teach to save their lives or, worse, just didn’t care about their students. Why would you go into teaching if you didn’t care? Just. WHY?
(LATE REPLY IS LATE...SORRIES)zinnia_roseSeptember 16 2012, 01:34:52 UTC
7. Ha, can you believe I've never read ANY of those books?? Maybe I'll have to check them out. 22. D: Sorry your dad married such a nasty person. Among other things, making pastries is TOTALLY NOT A STUPID INTEREST. 24. Yes! I completely agree! Indifferent people are awfully boring. So are people who agree with me on everything. 50. I am oddly amused that you find the word dissonance appealing, given its meaning. :p 55. Does the tetragrammaton (speaking of cool words) itself bother you, or just when vowels are added? The link mentions two ways to vowelate insert vowels -- does one bother you more than the other? (Hmm, actually, the second one appears to be wrong. So never mind, maybe.) And if you don't mind me asking, then why do you spell out God instead of G-d? (Sorry if these are dumb/offensive questions. I have basically zero religious sensibilities, so I am clueless rather than malicious.) 56. DUDE. YES. I've been lucky enough to have gotten mostly awesome teachers, but bad teachers really suck. I can only assume they were brilliant researchers, because they sure weren't hired for their teaching skills. I had an organic chemistry professor who treated each lesson like a review session. For some bizarre reason he seemed to be under the impression that we were already familiar with the material. The entire class was like "...what the hell are you talking about?"
Re: (LATE REPLY IS LATE...SORRIES)alibi2014September 17 2012, 04:57:00 UTC
Haha, tetragrammaton is a cool word! The Hebrew word itself (i.e. the tetragrammaton) doesn't bother me at all, because it's just the name of God as written in Hebrew. It only bothers me when people try to pronounce it literally. The Hebrew word is kind of like an acronym, and one that's not intended to be pronounced as it's written. It's actually forbidden for Jews to pronounce God's name as it's written; when we come across it in the Torah or whatever, we use the title "Adonai" in its place.
I don't have any problem writing the word "God" because I see it as just kind of a placeholder word. The word doesn't have any power for me; it's just a label I use, rather than a real name. I do always capitalize God, though, mostly just for grammatical reasons, since it is, after all, a proper noun.
Absolutely no offense taken! I'm always happy to answer questions, and as I said, it's really very hard to upset me. I hope this made some kind of sense. Also, "vowelate" is a word that needs to exist.
2. I'm really bad at advocating for myself. If someone's being unfair to me, I'll usually just go with it rather than put myself out there and stand up for myself. Or if I’m sick, I’ll try to just wait it out until someone makes me go to the doctor. I think it comes from feeling like I don’t deserve attention. It’s not a very healthy attitude. Also, I’m a REALLY BAD singer.
7. Ahhh, this is the hardest question!! The Patron Saint of Liars by Ann Patchett, The Dante Club by Matthew Pearl, Watership Down by Richard Adams, Complicity by Iain Banks, and the James Bond series by Ian Fleming are probably my favorites, but choosing between them is impossible!
20. There’s this local ice cream shop that has Swiss milk chocolate ice cream, and it’s basically the best thing ever.
22. My dad’s wife has said some pretty mean things to me. She’s belittled my fears and anxieties, told me that my interests are stupid, and implied that I can’t think for myself, among other equally lovely things.
24. …are passionate about things. None of this ~it’s cool to be indifferent~ nonsense. Show me that you have interests and goals and values! Show me that things matter to you!
29. Hmm, I can’t think of a single most embarrassing moment- which is probably a good thing! There was the time maybe 6 months ago when I dropped an entire tray of soufflé on the floor at work. That was pretty embarrassing.
37. I’m pretty sure I’d like to have kids someday, and if I do, I definitely want more than one. Optimally, I think I’d like to have three kids, but maybe two, and certainly no more than four.
50. I really love the words discombobulate and dissonance. And I love to intentionally misuse the word literally. “It’s LITERALLY a thousand degrees out today. This is LITERALLY the worst thing that’s ever happened.” No, it’s not.
55. Besides all kinds of derogatory slurs, something which always makes me super uncomfortable is when people transliterate the Hebrew name of God. (I’m not going to write it, for obvious reasons, but this is what I’m talking about.) When I hear it spoken or see it written, I get this intense, almost physical reaction, especially if I don’t know it’s coming. It actually really surprises me that it upsets me so much, since I don’t believe in God. But for whatever reason I find it incredibly unsettling, and it’s one of the very, very few ways someone can offend my religious sensibilities.
56. BAD TEACHERS. Like, it’s their job to teach me, that is their job description. In college I had way too many professors who couldn’t teach to save their lives or, worse, just didn’t care about their students. Why would you go into teaching if you didn’t care? Just. WHY?
22. D: Sorry your dad married such a nasty person. Among other things, making pastries is TOTALLY NOT A STUPID INTEREST.
24. Yes! I completely agree! Indifferent people are awfully boring. So are people who agree with me on everything.
50. I am oddly amused that you find the word dissonance appealing, given its meaning. :p
55. Does the tetragrammaton (speaking of cool words) itself bother you, or just when vowels are added? The link mentions two ways to vowelate insert vowels -- does one bother you more than the other? (Hmm, actually, the second one appears to be wrong. So never mind, maybe.) And if you don't mind me asking, then why do you spell out God instead of G-d? (Sorry if these are dumb/offensive questions. I have basically zero religious sensibilities, so I am clueless rather than malicious.)
56. DUDE. YES. I've been lucky enough to have gotten mostly awesome teachers, but bad teachers really suck. I can only assume they were brilliant researchers, because they sure weren't hired for their teaching skills. I had an organic chemistry professor who treated each lesson like a review session. For some bizarre reason he seemed to be under the impression that we were already familiar with the material. The entire class was like "...what the hell are you talking about?"
I don't have any problem writing the word "God" because I see it as just kind of a placeholder word. The word doesn't have any power for me; it's just a label I use, rather than a real name. I do always capitalize God, though, mostly just for grammatical reasons, since it is, after all, a proper noun.
Absolutely no offense taken! I'm always happy to answer questions, and as I said, it's really very hard to upset me. I hope this made some kind of sense. Also, "vowelate" is a word that needs to exist.
(When I run the word, I will add "vowelate" to the OED and nobody will be able to stop me.)
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