You really have a problem with Greenpeace, don't you?

Dec 03, 2010 22:50

1. I love the nights when Chanukah falls on Shabbas. So many candles. So lovely. Love love love.

2. Finally watched House 7x08, and it made me wonder... Why write out Cameron if they were just going to bring her right back in the guise of Masters? I'm just saying, is all.

3. I... may have a job lined up? There's some PhD/published author guy that lives in my building, and apparently he's been looking for someone to help him with secretary work, and the building manager gave him my name since I study ~writing~. I don't really know what this supposed job would entail and I know next to nothing about the guy, but resume building + money = nice thoughts. And if next term is anywhere near as laidback as this one was, I would jump at the chance to have something else to do with my time. Although something tells me next term won't be quite as easy, since I'm anticipating that upper-div Dante will be more work intensive than lower div-Psych. Still, though. This is potentially exciting news.


5. Fic recs, ahoy!


familiar in a way by torigates
Summary: 10 things about Seeley Booth
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: None

still crazy after all these years by torigates
Summary: 10 things about Jack Stanley Hodgins IV
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Hodgins/Angela


although it's been said many times, many ways (four christmases kate beckett never had - and one she did) by austen
Summary: A look at what never was for Kate Beckett on Christmas - and what actually happened.
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Beckett/Will, Beckett/Castle

Fatherhood by chaletian
Summary: Alexis; Bedtime stories of spacecowboys
Rating: PG
Pairings: None. Okay, minor Alexis/OMC and minor Castle/the ladies. Whatever.

The Magnificent Seven by flurblewig
Summary: Martha Rodgers; I remember when rock was young.
Rating: G
Pairings: Minor implied Beckett/Castle

Tectonic Plates by effie214
Summary: Martha Rogers, there are no small parts
Rating: PG
Pairings: None


she can't find her place (or, five of cameron's mistakes) by anitchka
Summary: Fic #27 for my sign-up @ 100_women (prompt #02: middles).
Rating: R
Pairings: Cameron/Chase, Cameron/House, Cameron/Wilson, Cameron/Thirteen, post-Wilson/Amber

Life on Mars

Guide to the Nameless Ones by chamekke
Summary: I'm taking a break from my lifein1973 Ficathon assignment to share my fangirl love for the Nameless Ones of Life on Mars. These unsung, literally smoking heroes of CID appear in the background of many a scene, even get to mutter the occasional line, yet receive virtually no acknowledgement… Until now! Please put your hands together for...
Rating: PG-ish
Pairings: Ahaha, John Simm/everyone who lays eyes on him, basically.

New Avengers

That Time In The Place With The Thing by Nope
Summary: Luke Cage and Peter Parker in the immediate aftermath of Secret Invasion.
Rating: PG
Pairings: Luke/Jessica, Peter/MJ

Star Trek

24 x 22 cm by rageprufrock and leupagus
Rating: R
Pairings: Oh God, I don’t even knowww.

A Failure of Make-Outs by mekosuchinae
Summary: This was a betrayal Jim would not soon forget.
Rating: PG-13/R-ish?
Pairings: Kirk/McCoy

Armed With Every Precious Failure by thistlerose
Summary: Keep his hands clean. His father’s most important lesson. Leonard’s are covered in blood, and yet he offered one to Jim.
Rating: Adult
Pairings: Post-McCoy/Jocelyn, eventual Kirk/McCoy

building on shaky foundations by malleablyfic
Summary: Not many people knew that Christopher Pike was an angry young man.
Rating: PG
Pairings: Minor Pike/Number One

The Captain’s New Clothes by mardia
Summary: "It’s not until Jim tries the robes on that he knows there’s going to be a problem." Loosely based upon "The Emperor's New Clothes".
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura

Consumed by thistlerose
Summary: He wishes he could share it, this joy, this knowledge that he isn't alone anymore.
Rating: R
Pairings: None

The Czernak Protocol by lindmere
Summary: Jim undergoes medically induced amnesia after a disastrous mission.
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Kirk/McCoy

don’t need rehabilitating by tocourtdisaster
Summary: Upon Enterprise’s eventual and long overdue arrival at Earth, James T. Kirk, acting captain of the ‘Fleet flagship and the man who singlehandedly (according to the newsvids) saved the known galaxy, ends up in the brig, right next to Montgomery Scott.
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Minor Kirk/McCoy, minor implied Spock/Uhura

Dressed by starsandgraces
Summary: Jim is tired of being tactful.
Rating: PG
Pairings: Spock/Uhura

Drifter by fagur-fiskur
Summary: "They think you're crazy," Jim supplies helpfully from his place in the corner.
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Kirk/Spock

falling in the snow by checkerboxed
Summary: Comment-fic for the 11/23/10 Daily Captain and Daily Doctor at jim_and_bones
Rating: PG/PG-13-ish
Pairings: Kirk/McCoy

Five Messages Sent While on Shore Leave by solarcat05
Summary: If you were here, I would share my peanut butter balls with you.
Rating: G
Pairings: Kirk/Spock or gen, depending on which way you look at it
Bonus: Podfic’d by sly-hostetter here!

Four Consequences of the Unexpected and Unlikely Friendship Between James T. Kirk and Nyota Uhura by TrisB
Summary: Boys. Girls. Clothes. Pon Farr.
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Spock/Uhura, implied Kirk/McCoy
Bonus: Author’s commentary can be found here!

The green grass and blue southern sky by eonism
Summary: They come back to Georgia in the summer, when they can spare the time. Right after Joanna gets out of school, just when the synthetic gravity begins to settle in Leonard’s joints enough for him to notice and Jim, for all his fussing about missing His Ship, could use some real earth under his boot heels and some fresh air for a change.
Rating: R
Pairings: Kirk/McCoy

If I Die in a Combat Zone (Give My Vibrator a Good Home) by igrockspock
Summary: Gaila says good-bye to Uhura before the rescue mission to Vulcan.
Rating: PG-13-ish
Pairings: None

Never Seen the Sunrise by trolllogicfics
Summary: Dystopian!AU. The Vulcans say the only way to peace is through removal of emotion. Not everyone agrees.
Rating: R
Pairings: None

no twilight galaxy by waketosleep
Summary: Statistically speaking, out of all possible Jim Kirks in all possible dimensions, not every one of them could have been born lucky.
Rating: R
Pairings: Eventual Kirk/Spock

Of Locks by checkerboxed
Summary: Belated comment fic for these photos over at the DCDD posts.
Rating: PG
Pairings: Kirk/McCoy

one large step for man, one small step for Jim. by roflolmaomg
Summary: Comment-fic for the 11/19/10 Daily Captain and Daily Doctor at jim_and_bones
Rating: G/PG-ish
Pairings: None

The Ramble!Verse Series by kayliemalinza
Rating: Various
Pairings: Various

rarely this destruction for its own sake by the_arc5
Summary: In the aftermath of his trip to the Mirror 'verse, McCoy has to deal with what's in his own head. Healing himself may be the one thing he can't do. [Note: This is TOS.]
Rating: PG-13 to R
Pairings: Spock/McCoy

Reading Against/Reading With: Mastering the Oppositional Discourse in Textual Healing by emeraldwoman
Summary: Short essay section (50 points). Please apply the techniques of at least one school or theory of literary analysis to any of the following pairings: Kirk/McCoy, Sulu/Chekov, Spock/Uhura, Spock/Uhura/Kirk. Extra credit will be given for multiple responses.
Rating: R, or as the author says, “Oh my god they talk real dirty”
Pairings: Sulu/Chekov, Spock/Uhura, Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura/Kirk, minor Kirk/Cupcake

second to the right, and straight on till morning by dafnapfic
Summary: There are many things Russian whiz kids are good at. This is not one of them.
Rating: G
Pairings: Briefest mention of Spock/Uhura

Shatter Me With Dawn by the_moonmoth
Summary: “Destroy it,” he orders. “All of it.” Spock does not wait to watch it burn, the orange glow of the explosion following him into the turbolift.
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Eventual Spock/Kirk, post-Spock/Uhura

Slouching Toward Bethlehem by emiliglia
Summary: For this prompt at buckleup_meme - Four times Leonard and Jim get undressed in their dorm room, and one time they undress together.
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Kirk/McCoy

So Many Different Suns by inlovewithnight
Summary: Chekov with a side of Pike. \o/ Post-movie. Spoilers.
Rating: PG-13-ish
Pairings: None

Some Days (It’s Not Even Worth Chewing Through The Restraints) by lazulisong
Summary: in which Jim still kind of likes away missions, Chekov shows up indirectly, but is adorable, Sulu and Jim are BFFs, Bones never wants to know anything about where Jim's dick goes, and Meg still fails at writing pornography
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Sort of Kirk/Spock, but not really. Post-Spock/Uhura.
Bonus: Podfic’d by templemarker here!

Stars Clustered Around by Rawles
Summary: Drabble collection.
Rating: T
Pairings: Spock/Uhura

Storm by florahart
Summary: Written for a a prompt at the kink meme that called for child!Spock hiding when upset, and his father finding him and comforting him.
Rating: G
Pairings: None

Sound Medical Practice by emeraldwoman
Summary: It's kinda long.
Rating: PG-ish
Pairings: None

The Things That Happened When Spock and Uhura Were Trying to Protect Uhura and Spock from Scotty and Kirk, or Why Scotty Doesn't Name Things by ifanythingelse
Summary: Kirk and Scotty are rightfully terrified by Uhura and Spock's strange behavior.
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Kirk/Spock, Uhura/Scotty, post-Spock/Uhura

This Is Home by re-white
Summary: Bones slides his forearms through the bars and leans his forehead against the iron, hair mussed, sly smile full of dirty possibilities.
Rating: R
Pairings: Kirk/McCoy UST, Spock/Uhura, implied Sulu/Chekov

Transferral by canis-takahari
Summary: Five texts that Jim sent Bones (and one that Bones sent back).
Rating: R
Pairings: Kirk/McCoy

You Can’t Take It With You by flit_st_fanfic
Summary: The one thing each of the crew would take with them if they had to evacuate the Enterprise.
Rating: G-ish
Pairings: Kirk/McCoy-esque

5.5 Plus a vid rec!

Star Trek: Tik Tok by MissSheenie
Song: "Tik Tok" by Ke$ha
Summary: Working on the Enterprise is pretty much a non-stop party as far as I'm concerned.

6. Yeah!

vid recs, fic recs, star trek, shabbat, chanukah, house, will wonders never cease?, podfic recs

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