Aug 01, 2010 18:06
Back from Wisconsin! That is one lovely, gorgeous state-- or at least the parts I visited were lovely and gorgeous. It was green, green, green, and it was SUMMER there. High 80s/90s and sunny? In July? UNHEARD OF. (Meanwhile, I come back to find that CA is still a balmy 60 and overcast. Naw, I kid. It's 63 right now.) Anyway, I had a wonderful time visiting dear family friends, touring rural WI, and just relaxing. It was such a pleasure to be able to just sit and read for hours every day, and I got a ton of writing done. Much time was also spent getting mosquito bites, banging into this really evil door, being scared of dogs, and complaining about how much every single meal we ate sucked. Despite those minor setbacks, a good time was had by all, and even though I'm glad to be home it was a really great summer getaway.
It just took me, like, three tries to spell "getaway." Whatever.
In other news, I have an 8 AM meeting at work tomorrow. The 8 AM part sucks, but the meeting part should actually be pretty good. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Oh God one of my mosquito bites is really itching. Crisis averted!
In other OTHER news, this is the first time in seven years that I didn't go to SDCC, and although I don't regret that decision, I did have a dark moment when I realized that I MISSED THE BONES PANEL SOB SOB. I am so hunting down the clip reel and the Q&A and whatnot. Just watch me now.
summer job,