Third Week of Classes and Supernatural

Jan 19, 2010 19:15

I can't believe it’s the third week of classes already. This semester is going to go by so fast. If I pass all of my classes this semester I'll be able to graduate. With 2 classes remaining. Which I will take online. My parents won't pay for another semester at school. It's too expensive. Especially because I live on campus. I'm going on my fifth year of college. And I am so ready to graduate. The big question is what am I going to do once I graduate. My major is Social Science with a primary focus on Anthropology and a secondary focus on Sociology. This semester I am taking Sociology of Sexualities, Sociology of Sex and Gender, Fundamentals of Archaeology, and as an elective Harry Potter, Religion, and Other 20th Century Fantasy Literature.

For the Harry Potter class we are going to read The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix, Prisoner of Azkaban, Half-Blood Prince, and the Deathly Hallows, Lord of the Ring, and His Dark Materials. I haven't read any of these books. Right now we're reading The Chronicles of Narnia.

At the beginning of the semester I started with 6 classes and 24 papers to write, 17 books to read (not including textbooks), and 12 movies to watch. I ended up dropping 2 classes because it was such a heavy class load. Now I'm down to 4 classes, 10 papers, and 17 books to read.

So far I like the classes. They're very interesting. I just got out of my Sociology of Sexualities class. We were watching a movie on Alfred Kinsey. I like the Harry Potter class because I love to read and I've been wanting to read the Harry Potter books for awhile now. I tried reading them when I was younger. Never got into them. But now that I'm older I want to give them another try.

Anyway enough with school. I cannot wait until Supernatural begins. I've been dying to see new episodes. Last week I got my new Supernatural shirt which I will on Thursday. I have so much Supernatural stuff including 2 shirts, all of the books and comic books, and magazines (except the first one). I saw the clip of the new episode, where Sam and Dean are telling a doctor about how Sam started the apocalypse. I can't wait to see it. It looks really good. I wonder if this is going to be the last season or not. Where do you go after the apocalypse? As much as I love the show and would love to see it continue, I would like to see it end without dragging it out.

So far I'm really liking this season so far. Except when Sam and Dean split up. I'm also really liking Castiel this season. I did not like him last season. He's growing on me. Season 4 was not my favorite season. There are only a couple of episodes I can stand to watch.

Every morning, except when I'm in class, I watch Supernatural on TNT. This morning was Faith. I think season 1 is my favorite season. Before the whole special kids, demon blood, demons and angels, and the end of the world.
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