50 things I want to do before I die!

Nov 04, 2005 16:24

Well, today is a normal Friday. I'm about to have to go to work and then afterwords, I kind of have a date! Well, my friend Lindsey, challenged me to make a list of 50 things I want to do before I die. So, here is my list:
1. Finish this list.
2. Fall in love.
3. Marry the greatest man in the world.
4. Go skydiving.
5. Have atleast 1 child.
6. Graduated college.
7. Own my own home.
8. Lead someone to Christ.
9. See a Celine Dion concert.
10. Go to a Monster Truck Rally.
11. Tell my dad how much he really hurt me.
12. Go on another Cruise.
13. Get my own puppy.
14. See a Broadway play in New York.
15. Go to Alaska.
16. Go inside the White House.
17. Visit the Grand Canyon.
18. Meet someone famous.
19. Give my testimony again to 100 different people.
20. Go to California.
21. Go to a Daytona 500
22. Make another scrapbook.
23. Make love next to or under a waterfall.
24. Go to Europe again
25. Watch Silence of the Lambs
26. Go fishing.
27. This may sound wrong, but, see my mom die happily and peacefully. I know it would kill her to see me die before her.
28. Be on TV
29. Get a new car.
30. Be able to give $100 to a charity.
31. Visit Hawaii.
32. Visit Arkansas.
33. Run the Peachtree Rd. Race one year.
34. See Dave and Jake's parents again.
35. Get another tattoo.
36. Go downtown and watch the peach drop one New Year's Eve.
37. Ride in a hot air balloon.
38. Go skinny dipping.
39. Have sex in a public place and not get caught.
40. Take a road trip w/friends to California.
41. Learn to drive a stick shift car.
42. Slap a guy in the face for saying a crude comment to me.
43. Go clubbing in Orlando, FL.
44. Teach Anna how to dance.
45. Go to a Josh Groban concert.
46. Swim w/a dolphin.
47. Touch an elephant.
48. Skip a Christmas.
49. Find out how my grandfather died.
50. Accept and love myself for who I am. Be 100% happy!
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