I could not ask for more!!

Oct 20, 2004 19:59

Well, today may have been the best day I have had or will have in a while. Today felt like Christmas, it was just as exciting and cheery. I actually completed all my makeup before leaving the house in time to catch the bus today, but i didn't straighten my hair and Tara (such a sweetheart!) straightened it for me and did such a nice job. So I felt so pretty all day, and then I helped Lisa with a perm and the lady said that we were in the wrong profession...that we should be models! Elderly people are too kind. So that boosted my spirits even higher, and then our teacher told us that Obsco (a beauty distributor) was having it's final day of sales before they closed for good, and everything was between 50-80% off!! So we got let out of school early and we walked a good 5 or 6 (probly more) blocks to get to the place and we ransacked it good. I was like a kid in a candy store, everything was so good looking and cheap. I bought a ton of stuff and it only ended up costing $33!! I should have bought more. Oh well. So yea, that was basically my day. I'm excited to do my hair tomorrow, I have so many products now. lol. I will be dying my hair next week more than likely, I'm gonna ask Louise if she could do it, she is so pretty and cute and super good at what she does. What a sweetie! I'm making more friends and it's awesome. Ppl are so nice there, but the gay guys...holy fuck, they are the biggest drama queens ever! I can't handle it. Oh, and now that I think of it, Destiny's "lova" wasn't in today. Darn didn't get to see two butch ugly chicks make out. *shudder* Well I guess that's it for now...Much love to you all. Muah!
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