Hey Los Angeles friends, tomorrow I'll be working as a cameraman for VIDEO THE VOTE. What is Video the Vote? Here's what it says on their website.
"Our goal is to protect the vote by being the eyes and ears where ballots are cast and counted on Election Day. We will document and report any irregularities that occur at polling places and boards of elections while they are happening, enabling the media and public to watch-dog the electoral process across our country."
So if you feel you've been disenfranchised tomorrow give me a call and I'll come video tape your tale of voting woe. Or just video tape it yourself and upload it at
Of course the chances that you're going to run into any voter fraud tomorrow is unlikely. First off, I'm pretty sure most of the people reading this are white and working for Summer Redstone. We're not the folks who will most likely be affected by it. Secondly, it's Super Tuesday. I doubt Hilliary's people are going to be jimmying votes away from Obama. Tomorrow is more like a dress rehearsal for November.
Still, remember that just because it's not Voter Fraud doesn't mean you're not being disenfranchised. If your polling place is understaffed, under-equipped or under prepared and it prevents you from voting we want your story.