(no subject)

Aug 21, 2012 21:24

Oh hey, so it's been what like 6 weeks now?

No bites on the house - which is to be expected since it's a condo and you can get houses for the same price nowadays.  Soooo, it looks like, according to the bank, we can swing another mortgage and are now looking into a house.  We'll rent out the condo and hopefully it pays for itself or comes within like $100-200 at least.  Even being out $200 a month on the condo makes sense at this point since houses are so cheap.  By the time we'll be able to get what we paid for the condo, houses will be back over $400k-$500k and I just don't think we'll ever be able to afford that ridiculousness.

We put an offer in on a house yesterday.  Total low ball offer just to see what they would say.  They said no way.  We went up 20k but we're still around 50k less than their asking price.  They're going to counter tomorrow.  So who knows.  I really really love the common areas, nice backyard, and huuuge deck.  It has an apartment which would totally help with rent when we decide to have #2.  I love that it has a brand new kitchen/living room/dining room and then a seperate den downstairs for toys and random stuff and still has that apartment.  It was flipped so everything is new/updated which is a nice perk.  I wish the taxes were lower (thank you long island for $10,200 taxes), that the bedrooms were bigger (it's going to be a squeeze to get all of our furniture in one room), and that it was like one street over since, even though it's actually quiet, it's only like a block away from a pretty major road.  I guess it's actually simliar to where we are now, but it worries me with the dog running out.  We've lucked out with the condo that he's only run INTO the complex and not out to the main road.  We'd probably get one of those inisible fences though and hope he doesn't break through.  On a positive note, it's super close to a whole bunch of places.  There's a daycare within walking distance but I can still easily get to Ziva's current daycare because it's on the way to/from work.

So, I tried talking to my mom about this but she just brought up going to PA and asked why I haven't visited.  I refuse to go back out there until the horrible situation is taken care of.  She is just not freaking getting it at all.  My grandparents and aunt are going out there and since I refuse to go there and be part of that situation or, god forbid, put my daughter in a dangerous position, I'm going to be the asshole.  It'll suck to spend Rosh Hashanah without my family espeically when they're all together but it's what I need to do.  This has cemented that I don't want to live with them and that I need to be on my own like I have been because it's just not a good situation right now.  I can't deal with the crazy.  I've stopped calling.  I've tried to stop caring.  I just really can't at this point.  There's too much other random crap going on.

So yeah.  I should try to update more often.
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