Mar 10, 2005 07:06
so tuesday night i watched the last real world episode for philly. and let me tell you, that was emotional. okay maybe it wasn't but i cried, i wanted landon and shavonda to stay together and not go their seperate ways. to be honest i thought this season was a bit boring, it was neat seeing local familar places but what did they really do..mostly fight. i don't know i enjoyed but not as much as like san diego, they to me were just funny and crazy, these guys were different. but none the less a real world cast, which i won't forget.
well not this brings me to the time that i head to school..just thought i'd share that story, and now i'm off to go to hell for another day. i have soo much work to do for school agh.
my mom leaves for atlantic city this weekend and my dad is following her, but not till sunday..bastard. but whatever a weekend with my dad is a piece of cake, he does not care about anything. so who knows what my weekend has in store for me!