Mar 01, 2005 05:15
well yesterday is snowed and we had off from school, is started snowing later than i thought, we probably just could have had early dismissal and would have been okay, but whatever i spent my day cleaning, baking, and eating. ha. now it's five sixteen in the morning on tuesday and i was looking out the window and watching the snow falling now is quite lovely, it's really beautiful. now you're probably wondering why i'm up at 5 in the morning..and my answer is..well i'm wondering too. right now we're scheduled ot go to school for a whole day, no lates, no earlys, and if that doesn't change i'm goign to be royaly pissed. i promise God, that if we get today off as well i'll spend the day studying and doing school stuff. well hopefully that'll work. it's apparently predicted to snow for the next two days. i mean i like the snow besides how it limits the amount of activities you can do, i'd get out more, but i can't drive yet, and my mom is a tid bit weird about drinking in the snow. she never has, and probably never will. well i'm going to go eat and fart around until it's time fo school..balls.