Just found a hole in the butt of my favorite pair of jeans. Dammit.
But my b-day celebration was super awesome. Ten people chowing down on like six baskets of various fried vegetables and then big freaking burgers and then ice cream cake. I think my stomach died about half way through. Delicious.
Got some money for awesome shoes that won't hurt my poor widdle work abused feet (
Danskos! Yay!) as well as spiffy hair products (shut up) and one very beautiful sock (it's hand-knitted friend is coming soon). Heather was a genius and found me hilarious movies that managed to sit a home for about an hour before Salem and I watched them and were laughing obnoxiously loud.
I love presents, and big meals with lots of people. And I also have a half of a chocolate peanut butter ice cream cake that is mine and no one elses. Mine! Although I didn't have any for breakfast like I had hoped, I shall save some for breakfast tomorrow though.