Jun 18, 2005 21:20
assenav - im so excitd for nationals !! your my adopted sisterr !!
1) i went to tinas nail place and got a french manicuree !! on my hands and feet !! =)) ... they look really purdyy !! atleast i think they doo !
2) i went to magical blend ... and barbara told me how im adopting vanessa for nationals ! and made my eyebrow appointments !!
3) got some clothes for nationals !! (5 pairs of soffes , a pair of hardtail capris, a pair of sandals that i absolutely love ! and a really cute brown tie die skort !! )
4) went back to magical blend .. and met one of vanessas borthers .. and his cute pitbul !!
5) went homee .. and chilled for a whilee ..
6) went to coldstone and got ice cream !
7) came home .. and talked online .. and got vanessa to be convinced about going to nationals ... ( vanessa knows what i mean )
8) riting in this journal .. !
things to look forward to !
tomorrow = cats with lexi !!
6 days = nationals !
august 3rd= hayls b-day
august 4th ! = MY B-DAY !!