016✪ [TEXT]

Oct 03, 2010 03:22

To say I am a bit embarrassed about that picture I posted is an understatement wish I could say it'd be the worst I've ever done. A few of my classier co-workers has had some lovely things to say about it. I'm glad to know that even during a sexual heatwave (or whatever that was) I was never so desperate to give them a second glance.

As if lewd jokes weren't enough a third of the office is home sick and the secretary is convinced she's pregnant and the father of her child is either a wolfman or an investment broker named Robert. The things you learn being stuck behind a desk for a day filing paper on your last case.

Days like these I miss New York City and Police Plaza. Need to visit Julie sometime. I hope she's doing okay; orange never was a Pezzini colour..

I heard we were might be getting a new blood works guy. Apparently he's hella good. Some good news in an otherwise crappy day.

!event (after/back to normal), work work work, lonesome nyc cowgirl, workaholic, strikeouts not visible lol commentary, need a drink, big city life, !text, never an easy day at work

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