Taking a page out of anenko's notebook, here's a slightly obsessive
spreadsheet of manga reading.
I have so much more to add, but figured if I linked it, I might actually finish inputting stuff instead of getting distracted by rereading Usagi Drop.
Also, I plan to split my asian list of DOOOOM up and post it as a spreadsheet, too. It will make it easier to figure out if I've downloaded it or bookmarked it and to keep track of what I want to watch, too.
*The instant I posted this, I realized I had misspelled "show" in the title line. NO, I DON'T HAVE A FAVORITE ARASHI MEMBER WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
** FORTY SOMETHING TITLES LATER OMG. What the hell is wrong with me?! AND I STILL LEFT OUT SEVERAL. *weeps*