Dear Japan,
You know what STILL isn't funny?
Thundering sounds and the camera "shaking" with every step, when a slightly larger woman runs.
Still not laughing,
Dear place-of-employment,
How would you like me to teach preK when I have no toys or shelves or cubbies?
How would you like me to create lesson plans when I cannot log in to the computer?
How would you like me to go STARK RAVING INSANE?
Ms. YouGetMyNameWrongAllTheTime
Dear brain,
Stop writing porn during boring trainings. I do not NEED to write Gokusen porn, even if it would be funny, and Shin would finally get some.
porny mcpornsalot
Dear flist,
I updated
minionsficrecs with some drama recs. Enjoy!
Im surprised as you are,