I've found I really enjoy updating
Goodbye Fat Pants! on a regular basis. It is designed to be an aid to, and a chronicle of, my weight loss odyssy. I intend to keep the scope very focused on that topic, which means it's not the place for me to rant about whatever I want.
And I want to rant.
I've had this journal for a couple years, and I have been reluctant to use it the way I want to. Until now, it has been a place to occasionally update those I don't see often on what's going on in my life, rant, and not much else. I've decided to start writing about whatever I want, and do it far more often. I've spent a long time insulating myself from the outside world, mostly because I have a hard time processing everything going on in the world today. That's changing. I'm sure some of it is due to maturity, and being less wrapped up in myself in general, and the fact I'm marrying a man with political aspirations. I want to pay attention, I want to care, and most importantly, I want to understand everything from "what was Britney thinking" to global economics.
My personal entries will again be locked, so those who link through MySpace will need to create an LJ account and friend me, or get someone to read them to you.