Apr 14, 2011 03:11
- 15:04:01: RT @shellnestro: Wow, just because someone calls someone else out on privilege does not make them a bully. Please get off your high-horse and hero worship.
- 16:15:28: Oh yeah so comics this week. It's Uncanny X-Men, Batgirl, Onslaught Unleashed, and Cap: The Fighting Avenger.
- 16:15:50: I still haven't gotten those two I ordered from the other store last Wednesday :/
- 16:17:08: There are things I'm not sure about in Onslaught Unleashed. One of these things is why Toro was green? He should not be green.
- 16:18:01: but it was nice to see a writer treat Sharon Carter like she's the proper badass she ought to be for once
- 16:19:08: One thing I can definitely say about Uncanny X-Men #535: There is no shortage of Abby Brand, and that is marvelous! \o/
- 18:58:11: Photo: ronchronchronch: one two three four cretins wanna hop some more four five six seven all good cretins... http://tumblr.com/xzh23xbqb7
- 19:34:24: "Shields are not for throwing, shields are not for throwing!" hee, i like this comic. bb steve has things to learn
- 21:11:12: i don't want to fill any of my real tags today, i just want to play this thread where setzer plays blackjack with kim pine
- 23:13:33: okay it's kind of annoying when you make a post explaining what happened and two people comment with "what happened?"
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