Feb 10, 2011 02:10
- 00:58:54: oh hi twitter i can see you again :D
- 01:01:50: RT @Joelle_Jones: I, Zombie #dailydoodle http://twitpic.com/3xu6au
- 01:07:07: i moved my desk around. now it's blocking my bookshelf and everything feels like it's on an incline, but the internet works sooooo
- 01:08:00: i may have to turn my tv to a different angle if i want to watch anything from here though
- 01:16:18: i never thought i'd be excited that something with onslaught would be coming out tomorrow, but dammit young allies, see what you did?
- 04:03:17: I jawdropped. I cheekheld. I am this video's target audience. http://youtu.be/J1vpB6h3ek4 #kitteh!
- 19:45:23: Okay, so I got Knight & Squire, Osborn, Batgirl, and Onslaught Unleashed.
- 19:46:07: still some sense of "lol onslaught" but dammit these are my young allies we're talking about
- 19:50:12: also i baldeon would be doing the art :( this was the guy who drew not!kitty!Hank in that i am an avenger story :(
- 19:50:50: (granted he's also been doing nomad's backup, but dammit why isn't hank a kitty)
- 20:36:52: osborn had me worried for a second, but no, it remains very good, though sometimes unsettling
- 20:37:15: also, second week in a row someone i know on the internet got their letter published in a spider-book!
- 20:42:42: so it's psychotronic time and i have no idea what's playing. oh well, my fault for being absent so long. i like surprises
- 23:48:18: Okay, tonight's film was Summer Wars. An anime that's pretty much a family drama mixed with cyber-terrorism. It was kind of amazing.
- 23:49:05: Also, important question re: Batgirl. Since when has Klarion's cat been a he? (never the answer is never, grump grump)
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