In this Twitter, we discuss comics. ...Usually.
- 18:17 So the car wash around the corner is apparently a barber shop, too. #
- 18:18 I think tomorrow I might pay to have my hair cut for the first time in nearly six years. #
- 18:47 Alright, Twitter, you want to know what my dirtiest, most embarrassing secret it? #
- 18:47 WGMD, in its earliest form, was a self-insert crossover fic between my two first fandoms, Pokemon and Final Fantasy 7. #
- 18:48 I was thirteen, I didn't know any better. #
- 18:50 (though in retrospect, i think Pokemon is a fandom that's sort of conducive to self-insert, but not necessarily as Suetiful as I wrote) #
- 18:52 I think it's one reason I struggle to give Caleb a characterization beyond "pathetic", though. #
- 18:53 Much as he's evolved, he's the only surviving element of the earliest stuff, now that Fiona's been completely retooled into Chey. #
- 18:54 also, i think that in some way one of the reasons i never dug much on Advent Children is because it clashes with my ancient FF7 head-canon #
- 20:41 Things I already knew that you might not: I talk a lot when I've been drinking. If I spam replies at anyone, I'm sorry. #
- 21:18 Rules of a good White Russian: more liqueur than vodka, more milk than liqueur. Generally. I dunno right now. #
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