Hey everybody! I gots this fic that I received for this year's Labyrinth Exchange, and oh my what, kids, it is SO GOOOOOOOOOOOD. GO. DO IT. READ IT NAO.
Why are you still here? Go read the thing, I don't think you even know how good it is and it's AU and I loves it for LONG LONG TIME FOREVER, YO.
HERE IS PART ONE: So, uh, Mystery Author, I did some, um. Journal stalking. And I've narrowed it down to a few personages, and if you are the one of them I think you are I APOLOGIZE STRONGLY because oh bugger and fuck I kind of... forgot. That I friendslocked my journal to kingdom come and back.
SORRY!!!!! BUT I SERIOUSLY FOR SHIZ LOVE THE CRAP OUT OF THIS FIC AND OMG OMG OMG I am really rather smart and can write elegiacal essays on Things, when I am not broken into pieces and/or exhausted and/or working on school or work or whathaveyou. I can also write elegiacal essays on the crazy business stuff that's going on in this EPIC WORK OF EPIC GORGEOUSNESS, and that Thing you are doing with Jareth, I wanna know where it's going because I am hella curious to, like, the eighth power.