Jan 01, 2009 06:44
With the New Year upon us I thought I should actually use my Live journal account. My New Year's resolution last year was to go green and do more for the environment. So I purchased a book called "Green Chic: Saving The Earth in Style." So I gave up drinking soda and invested in a reusable water bottle. I started shopping at the local farmers market and eating natural and organic foods. The book recommended me giving up meat but I could not do it but I did manage to eat less meat. No red meat and I eat meat only once a week. I eat a lot more seafood and veggie dishes which are pretty good. I don't eat at fast food restaurants as often as I used to and if I do I go to the sit down restaurants. When it came to clothes shopping I went through my closet and sorted through what I wear and don't wear and gave the don't wear pile to charity. The I started buying all my clothes second hand I now try to buy new clothes only if I need them and can't find them second hand. So last years resolution worked out pretty well I lost some weight too so plus plus.
This year I chose to do more with my social life. Ever since high school ended so did most of my social life. So this year I pledge to get out and do more. I wrapped up my bedside laptop I used to spend hours on there passing the day by and now I'm limited to the household desktop which is usually occupied by someone else most of the time. I volunteered at a local animal shelter because I'm a huge dog lover. I might do foster care my backyard is equipped for it the last owners built a kennel. I'm also going to check out local bands in Atlanta with a friend of mine we used to do that all the time in high school. I also think its about time I entered the work force again (I left the last one cause the bosses were a little shady). I could use the extra cash. I also have a new project in the works I'm trying that should be funny if nothing else, I'll start posting it on here too. So my New Year is hopefully going to keep me busy. I would love to hear you resolutions for 2009. Happy New Year!