Sep 10, 2024 20:20
What happened the week of September 2, 2024:
Donated platelets. For a while now, I've been curious about the process and figured since there was a shortage, it was the best time to find out!
Before my appointment, I found and read a random post about their donation experience (they always make it sound worse than it actually is), which unnerved me a bit.
Thankfully, my experience was a lot more pleasant. The biggest difference is that only one arm was used (online material mentioned both arms would be used), so, for me, it was similar to donating whole blood, just takes a lot longer (2+ hours).
The donation center I was at had an amazing staff and the best snack selections. Sometimes, I think I'm like a labrador -- food-driven. ^_^
Attempting to learn the twelve-bar blues structure on the keyboard. Yes, forgot to mention, as an anniversary gift, Grizzly Bear got me a Yamaha 88-key digital piano!
I took piano lessons as a kid and was always forced to play classical music but wanted to venture into other genres. One time, the piece that my piano teacher selected for me was so depressing that at my next lesson, I played it in an upbeat manner. Yeah, that didn't fly. >_<
So now, I get to select the songs I want!
It's back. Grizzly Bear swept down the web of the second orb weaver and thought that would be the last we saw of it. Nope, it reappeared and made a bigger web!
Then Grizzly Bear relocated it to a bush on the other side of our deck because he was annoyed by how often I kept going back to stare at the spider and its web -- it created a different one each evening and I had a prime viewing area!
Last night, it found its way back and reappeared by the lamp again. It's grown somewhat too. I suspect it's a female as it's doubled the size compared to the other one by the window. This time, the huge web is underneath the lamp tucked along the wall and harder for me to observe. I suppose that's a good thing -- I was starting to appear like a retriever persistently staring at a tennis ball stuck at the bottom of the pool.
I just noticed that the Tribute in Light testing is happening -- all because I went to sneak a peek at the 2nd spider ...