Life For Rent

May 13, 2004 09:42

Fan Forum is freaking awesome, and I would like to thank quebelly for my icon...gotta love Jack Sparrow, savvy. That is one of the greatest movies ever. Plus, Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom are darn hot!

Okay, enough with the hormone outburst. I have to do laundry today and I freaking hate doing laundry. I'd rather do anything else...wash dishes, vacuum, clean toilets (seriously)...anything.

I watched my Dark Angel DVDs last night, and I got really pissed thinking about the fact that it got cancelled in the second season. That was one of the best shows ever, and it got cancelled so stupid Joss Whedon could put his new show Firefly on the air, then Firefly gets cancelled after five eps. Haha, take that Joss Whedon.

Anyway, I'm ranting. I'll be back when I have more to write.

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