Masterlist and guide This was indeed about the gentle, polite Mitsuhide trying and failing to be a sadistic dom because he mistakenly thinks this is what MC wants :D
It's the kind of plot which would end in two lines if they actually communicated, and that gets a bit annoying, and also there's a comic relief bi masochist guy who really needs to stop dragging everyone else into his kinks. But overall it was pretty cute, and enjoyably meta given that the theme for the other guys in this Event seems to be them becoming extra toppy and jealous. That's just not you, Mitsuhide, and that's ok.
MC and Mistuhide are busy preparing for their castle-warming party. And then on the nearby lake, MC sees...A SHADOW.
Seeing Ieyasu be politely nice about the castle is surreal. Even Nobunaga makes a vague attempt to be complimentary.
Tadakatsu: Ah, Lord Nobunaga's voice has such resonance...but I prefer violent, venomous words *.*
Toramatsu: Keep it in your pants, Tadakatsu
(Tadakatsu and Toramatsu are Ieyasu's retainers)
Drunk old man Katsuie is all WHEN ARE YOU GUYS GETTING MARRIED and MC is quietly irritated to be put on the spot. But Mitsuhide saves her from having to answer while also making it clear he does intend to marry her.
Ieyasu offers his retainers to help with the investigation, but MC isn't sure it's a good idea to be in his debt. Mitsuhide unsuccessfully tries to politely decline.
Mitsuhide: Very well...then please assist us.
Tadakatsu: A-AH...those cold, cruel eyes!
Nobunaga: Listen well, foolish girl: you will be of use, or you will answer to me. Seeing as I assume this castle is already yours in all but name anyhow.
MC: (Aw, he ships us!) :)
Tadakatsu: While I am in debt to your hospitality, if I may ask a favour...
Mitsuhide: Of course :)
Tadakatsu: Please, milord, abuse me whenever the desire comes upon you again!
Mitsuhide: Forgive me but...what?
Tadakatsu: Abuse me as you do Lady MC!
Mitsuhide: I do not remember doing anything to her that would constitute abuse :/
Tadakatsu: She has never told you she wishes you to degrade her? You must have seen how pleased she was when Lord Nobunaga was harsh!
Mitsuhide: W-was she really? :(
Awwwww. Poor baby.
Here's hoping he actually talks to her about it instead of just...being mean and wondering why she's not happier.
Mitsuhide politely listens to the fishermen's concerns and calms them with a gentle smile.
Tadakatsu: Whatever smashed these boats must be super strong. Hot :D
Mitsuhide: MC! Stop, you're about to trip! Be more careful, I'd hate to see you get hurt >:/
MC: (Aw, he cares so much about my wellbeing <3) :)
Mitsuhide: (Oh my gosh she IS into me shouting at her??)
Mitsuhide: Lord Honda (Tadakatsu), please...teach me how to degrade one such as yourself in a way that pleases them! I beg of you!
Tadakatsu: :D I will teach you how to pleasure Lady MC with the divinity of cruelty! :D
Mitsuhide: Thank you kindly :)
Tadakatsu: Please, milord, do not beg for favours, but give orders! Look down upon those you command and assert your place over them!
Mitsuhide: V-very well, I will try...
Toramatsu: /o\
I love how Mitsuhide doesn't seem to be even a little jealous of MC supposedly being into Nobunaga, he just wants to make her happier.
Mitsuhide: This breakfast is...average.
MC: Forgive me, milord. I will work hard so that my next meal pleases you :(
Mitsuhide: ...I'm not saying it's bad, I...
Toramatsu: Miss MC, how did you feel about Lord Nobunaga commanding you to be of service?
Bless you, Toramatsu.
MC: I was happy, of course. *blush*
Tadakatsu: :D
Toramatsu: D:
Mitsuhide: ...if you have the time to waste on idle chatter, perhaps you could manage a pot of tea :/
MC is sad and confused, especially when she sees Mitsuhide hiding a miserable expression, and hears him asking Tadakatsu for reassurance. But for now she does her best to just follow his orders.
Tadakatsu: *nudges Mitsuhide*
Mitsuhide: You... really are an absolute dullard.
MC: (He's a GUEST!)
Tadakatsu: Yes! Just like that, milord *happy blush*
MC: (WTF is going on????)
Mitsuhide, I know you want to be a good host, but you don't have to fulfil your guest's kinks just because they ask you to.
Aww he's trying so hard to be mean to MC but keeps tripping up and being nice. I'd be more annoyed at him for not just communicating but (a) That would break the premise (b) a 16th century Japanese warlord can be forgiven for having a shaky grasp of proper kink etiquette.
MC feels pretty bad at first, but decides something is clearly up with him and that she'll have to steel her nerves and ask what's troubling him.
Mitsuhide: ...the thing that is troubling me is you :(
MC: Forgive seems I displeased you without realising it :( If you would tell me how my service has not been-
But he interrupts her and tells her to serve the guests? MITSUHIDE SHE WAS TRYING SO HARD. He tells her she's only of use for serving tea, and shouldn't expect to be involved in his investigation of the lake any more.
Determined to be more useful, when she sees the shadow on the lake again she chases after it. She gets sucked into the water, and comes to in Mitsuhide's arms.
Mitsuhide: You must know how dangerous it is for you to go out at night alone >:(
But while his words are sharp, she can feel the concern underneath them. She snuggles up and thanks him for always keeping her out of trouble, and he gently hugs her back and talks about how glad he is she's ok.
Mitsuhide: It seems I am just not the kind of man who has it in him to degrade and debase others. As much as I am loath to admit that I cannot live up to your expectations that way...
MC: What.
Mitsuhide: Do you not...find being treated coldly? In...humiliation?
MC: No??
They FINALLY talk it out and Mitsuhide is very apologetic.
Mitsuhide: I played a game without knowing the rules and hurt you with an inept tongue. Though...I must say I am relieved to know this particular interest is not one you have. Every time I acted harshly with you it broke my heart.
MC: The only thing I have ever been interested in is you, Lord you have always been.
He smiles and then slowly kisses her, pausing to make sure she wants to be kissed.
Mitsuhide: From now on when it comes to your feelings and desires, I will believe only the words of the lady herself.
MC: But if there is anything I do that you do not care for, tell me and I will change if I can.
Mitsuhide: If you are going to make the offer, I should like you to do something about your penchant for danger, my darling. That, and I wish for you to be very clear in telling me if I have hurt you.
But then Mitsuhide shows her that it really is just a shadow. It turns out stone from building the castle messed with the tides and currents, which caused the destruction. He's very apologetic but the fishermen forgive him and Tadakatsu has fun smashing rocks.
Mitsuhide: It pains me to say this when you have instructed me so well, but I am not suited for the degradation of others. Especially in regards to MC, I never want to cause her any pain.
Tadakatsu: No! But you- *is thrown into the lake by Toramatsu* MORE :D
Toramatsu: >:/
Me: Don't drag unwilling people into your kink, Tadakatsu.
Fishermen's children: YAY LET'S SPLASH HIM.
Tadakatsu: :D
Me: D: D: D:
Mitsuhide gets splashed too, but just laughs, takes off his top, and plays with the children in the water. Then he splashes MC and she vows her revenge and it's all very sweet.
And once again the context for the topless CG is cuter and WAY less sexy than implied by the ad.
Oh my gosh. So afaict the plot of the epilogue is that MC has a bad dream about Mitsuhide being mean again, so asks to sleep next to him, and he wants to prove how untrue it was by gently following her sexual instructions??
*clicks 'spend pearls' button*
Haha aww he's trying for enthusiastic consent but even though MC is super into the idea she's too embarrassed and can only bring herself to say "It's not that I don't want to" while hiding her head against his chest.
Aww, MC says "no" without meaning to and Mitsuhide immediately backs off and apologises. MC on the one hand finds this incredibly endearing, but on the has to actually say that she would like the sex to continue.
But she manages, bless her, and he is Into It.
Gosh these two are adorable, they're both so sensible and kind and in love, and Mitsuhide's tendency to quietly sad self hatred stops it from being dull (for me. Obviously some people would prefer a happy mean guy or whatever and that's cool too)
It was also interesting how this story highlighted how much power Mitsuhide has over MC as her boss (or at least supervisor, I guess Nobunaga is head boss of both of them). He generally treats her like a relative equal, and involves her in his decisions and life, but at any moment could treat her like just a maid and there's nothing she could do. I don't really blame him, since there's the opposite of a culture of 'don't date those you have power over', especially since he gave the impression that he was putting off marrying her, and thus giving her as much power as a woman in that situation could have, until he was sure she really wanted it.
It was different with Yukimura, as his fiance, though sexism came into it. Kojuro is way above her in the power structure but not her direct superior. Then you've got Nobunaga, Ieyasu, and Hideoyoshi, who are All About the power imbalance. From what I know of them I can see Masamune, Shingen, and Kenshin trying to be decent about being Top Boss but more inclined to unthinkingly take charge than Mitsuhide. Not sure what the dynamic is with Mitsunari and Toshiie.
Meanwhile Shadow!MC tends to be more of an equal with her LIs, since they're mostly vassals like her.
*starts thinking asbout how both Mitsuhide and Mitsuhide!MC seem like they'd be open to poly, and how they might work things out with Sakuya and Sakuya!MC*
Anyway! I have theoretically started Masamune's event story but we'll see if I bother finishing it. I'm mostly through his main story right now and it's not terrible but I'm not enjoying it enough to want Even More Masamune right now, especially if he's going to be all possessive and jealous. Better him than Ieyasu or Toshiie, though.
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